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Sing, Commune With The Lord & Walk By Faith

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Keep walking forward. Keep singing, even though you can’t see the road ahead. This is a time to walk by faith, not by sight. This is a time to recount My faithfulness to bolster your own strength, to bolster your own belief that I Am absolutely good, that I Am carving out the path in front of you by My grace and with My perfect plan.

Release Your Need for Control & Live in Unwavering Faith

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Trust and obey. The original sin was unbelief. The enemy stirred doubt by his words, “did God really say...?” Have rock solid faith in Me. Do not be swayed. Do not be moved. Unbelief is sin. Without faith it is impossible to please Me. Childlike faith takes humility and letting go of control. Faith says, “I can’t control this situation. I can’t control the outcome. I will leave it in Your trustworthy hands.”

Hold Onto Faith

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Hold onto faith amidst doubt. Hold onto faith with a strong unbreakable grip. You will learn things that break your heart. You will learn things and see things and be told things that defy understanding. Horrors and dark secrets will start spilling out that cause you to tremble, that cause you to shudder, that cause you to weep.

With Faith You Are Always Victorious

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Faith cedes control to God. Fear cedes control to the enemy. Fear gives you the false sense of control, but all it does is lead to compromise, to short-changing the outcome. Faith acknowledges that you are not in control. It puts all the chips on the table and says, here Dad, I’ve done all I can. The outcome is up to you.

A Call to Faithfulness, Faith & True Worship

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness. Watch as My glory shines, and watch as My glory falls in power. As you worship Me in spirit and in truth, you will see My glory fall. You will be swallowed whole by My grace, and You will experience My Presence in the most profound, personal and astonishing way you have ever felt it.

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