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The Lord’s Love Changes Everything

The Lord says, 
My love and an awareness of My love is rising up within you. My love is picking you up, lifting you up, breathing confidence into your lungs and shoulders and hope into your eyes. My love is strengthening you and propelling you forward though you can’t see the road ahead. My love empowers you and is empowering you to take one step and then the next.

Celebration is Nigh!

The Lord says, 
Worship and laughter are the best medicine. Rest. Relax. Take big deep belly breaths. Drop your shoulders. Unclench your teeth, soften your gaze and look up. Remember I Am above it all. I cause the road to rise up to meet you. Though nothing seems certain, though the storm and the waves are still tossing you, remain anchored in Me and look up.

Love, Faith & The Impossible

The Lord says, 
Love does. Love looks like something. Love is not just a feeling or a fleeting emotion that you can fall into and out of. Love is a choice. Love is an action. Love is a cold cup of water. Love is a hug for a stranger. Love is looking people in the eyes and seeing their pain, acknowledging their plight. Love is a posture, a lifestyle and a choice.

Cling to the Lord & Resist the Enemy

The Lord says, 
My love is seeing you through the chaos, the confusion, the attacks and the intrusions into your personal life. My love and My grace are carrying you through all of this. The stress, the anger, the constant fighting defense, the frustrations, I see them all. They are as real to Me as they are to you. I see what you are experiencing, how you are trying to stay focused on the most important things — on Me, on faith, on what’s right, on defending truth and protecting freedom.

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