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The Year of the Lord’s Favor

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all abundance and from whom all blessings flow say, 
Favor has been appointed and directed for you. An abundance of favor is being poured into your life. The abundance, the fatness of My favor and goodness will cover you, and it will break the yoke and every chain. No agent or tool of bondage will be able to hold you back from what I have for you, because of My favor, because of the abundance and overwhelming fatness of My goodness being poured out on you and into your lap and life.

This Is A Trust & Obey Season

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
There’s grace in the mystery. There’s grace in the process. It’s time to move forward without understanding. The path is cleared, and the instruction is go. This is a trust and obey season. Wipe away all doubt. Live in faith, hope and great anticipation, because My goodness is hovering over you like a great canopy.

This Is the Time of the Floods of God’s Goodness and His Yes & Amen

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Live in anticipation. Live with a great expecation for good. Change is coming. Deliveries are coming. This is a season of expectation and fulfillment. This is a season and a time of of deliveries being made, answers coming and promises fulfilled. Get your hopes up. Get your expectation up higher. A flood of My goodness is incoming. A flood of My goodness that you have only tasted before will overwhelm you and your household. This is the time of my yes and amen. This is a time to be absolutely flooded by My grace, love, favor and goodness.

This Is the Day of the Lord’s Favor

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Do you hear the drumbeat of My favor? The drumbeat of My love? It is resounding with a good cadence. It is marching steadily toward you. You will hear the drumbeat of My favor, the intimate drumbeat of My love in your heart, in your life. This is not a time to say, “I have been abandoned.” This is not a time to say, “the Lord has forgotten me.” It’s not a time to say, “I’m all alone, and I can’t see the way forward.” This is a time to rejoice, to cheer with great shouts, to sing songs of My love and My victory, of My faithfulness.

These Are Grace Days Made for Running

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Righteousness will reign. My Spirit is being poured out on all flesh. Young men are seeing visions, old men are dreaming dreams. I Am the potter, and you are the clay. You are a vessel for service. You are fit for service and made for good works that I have prepared for you in advance. You are the light of the world.

Destiny Road

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Grace is channeling toward you. My favor and My grace are being channeled toward you, very specifically. This is not general grace and favor. It is very specific, and it is directed and headed and destined to you and for you. My children know My voice. My sheep know the sound and the cadence of My voice.

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