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We Are Now In a Time of Unprecedented Fruitfulness — Our Work Must Change Accordingly

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all abundance say, 
I Am tagging My redeemed ones. My redeemed ones are tagged in their hearts. I have imprinted My redemption code on your hearts, and now is the time for the outward manifestation of My redemption to be seen worldwide. Redemption will not only be an internal state of being, will not only be a personal matter. It will manifest as an existential truth, with existential proof. As the Scriptures say, you will know them by their fruit.

Enter & Remain In the Lord’s Zone of Perfect Peace

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Purity befits a king. The stillness is Mine. You can find Me in the stilllness. You can find Me in the silence. Mine is the peace that calms raging rivers and stops dams. My peace changes things. Create room for Me. Create a space where you can find Me in the silence, in the stillness, even in the dark. Mine is the Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Yet more shaking is coming. More shaking is here.

The First Fruits of the Harvests Are Here

The Lord says, 
You are beginning to taste the first fruits of your labor. You are beginning to enter the early harvest for what you have sown and toiled for. You didn’t necessarily even know what kind of trees and plants you were planting and tending. But you are beginning to see and taste the fruits of it, and they are sweet, perfect and a great delight.

Harvest of Victory

The drum beat, the drummers, the cadence is picking up. The drummers are intimidating the enemy. The drummers are out front in battle. And they are causing stress and chaos and confusion for the enemy. The enemy can’t tell the difference between the sounds of battle and the drums. It is increasing the intensity for the enemy, increasing the urgency.

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