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What Looks Dry Will Soon Overflow and Become a Blessing for Many

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
The choicest parts have been reserved for now — the sweetest parts, the tenderest parts, the juiciest parts and the most delightful, most fulfilling parts. I have reserved the best for last. But the last is not the end. The last is the new beginning. When it looks like you’ve run out of options, you’ve run out of runway, you’ve run out of rope, I will not only provide, but I will show up with provision worth celebrating, worth relishing, worth savoring.

This Is A Time of Convergence & Fruition

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I chose you long before I placed you in your mother’s womb. Before time began I had a name for you and a plan for you. Your purposes live in my heart. I have purposes for you in My heart that have been there since before time began. Before a word is on your tongue, I know it completely. I created you with the affinities, desires, skills and impulses that live in your heart and course through your soul.

God’s Grace Is Unlocking A New Day of Destiny

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all grace say, 
My grace is a key designed to unlock your heart. Only the Master, the Creator knows what secrets have been hidden in there for your delight and your future. I Am unlocking your heart with My Master Key. And a whole universe of purpose, dreams, desires and song will flow from you in a new way. This is what I do for My lovers. What has been locked inside, what has been hidden inside even from your own view, perception and understanding will suddenly flow forth with a new sound, as a new song. It will amaze you.

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