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Spread Joy

Hearing comes from your heart. That is the wellspring of life that I speak to and from. You can feel the Joy of the Lord bubble up through your heart. It’s the place that peace spreads from. It’s the place that worship arises from. It’s a sacred place. Jesus has residence there. It’s up to you to keep your heart clean and pure. That’s what makes it inhabitable and allows for clear communication.

It Has Started

The Lord showed me that the Body of Christ is in a dark time of transition and many are weary of looking for answers. There is a fear that we will be waiting a long time to see answers and solutions. The real issue is that we are unable to find the answers with a human perspective. We should not be afraid. The Lord has trustworthy people of authority stewarding and guarding this transition period. And we have the authority to determine our own personal boundaries and who can be inside of the intimate circle during this time.

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