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Prepare the Way for King Jesus!

This morning as I was sitting and waiting for the Lord to speak to me about what was on His heart today, I felt a leap in my spirit. It was a leap of excitement, anticipation and eager longing. I thought this must be a small taste of what Elizabeth, Mary’s aunt, felt when John the Baptist lept inside her womb as Mary arrived pregnant, carrying the Savior of the world inside of her.

Wild Transformation & Victory is Upon Us

The Lord says,
Soon the world will see, will taste, will experience and will acknowledge that nobody does it better than Me. No one loves like I do. No one takes the care that I do. No one can know all of your secrets, your past, your mistakes, your regrets and your sin and still love you unconditionally like I do. Nobody can do for you, for your heart, your life and your future what I can do.

A Call for Your Yes

The Lord says, 
I Am holy. I Am moving to release a revelation of My holiness in the land, amongst the people. A revelation of My holiness is a revelation that will change everything. A revelation of My holiness removes the scales from eyes and unplugs ears. It breaks hearts at the recognition and the automatic, reflexive comparison of one’s life to My holiness.

An Undeniable Kingdom Movement of Purity and Power

The Lord says, 
I Am moving to restore purity and power. Power, the resurrection power of Jesus, the Dunamis Power of My Spirit, is still on the Earth. It resides in believers even today, but it is not accessed. Faith and purity are the keys to accessing and releasing My explosive dynamite power on the earth. Healing power. Deliverance power. Life changing power. Restorative power. It is available.

Days of Salvation & Transformation

The Lord says, 
I Am fishing for men and women today, for boys and girls. It’s My delight to catch them, to pull them up out of the stream that they have been in, out of their go-with-the-flow routine and to breathe new life into their lungs. To fill them with a revelation of Who I Am and what I’ve done for them. To change their hearts forever. The stream is full today, and I Am casting and catching one after another. These are individual lives that are being changed.

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