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The Spirit of Gross Darkness in Obama & Kamala Is Being Exposed

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Discontentment. A discontented heart. The drumbeat of totals is coming. The drumbeat of totals is here. Indistinct patterns are emerging — patterns of life. You will be able to overlay lifestyle patterns. Patterns are emerging that show distinct, intentional overlap of the spirit behind the power, the authority, the person. Soon you will be able to identify the spirit of gross darkness behind Obama and Kamala.

Sudden, Unexpected Change Is Coming

I saw a vision of a crane plucking someone up and moving them across the skyline and depositing them in another location. Then I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
This is a time of unexpected transitions. This is a time of sudden, unexpected moves. What made sense even moments ago will no longer work the way it once did, will no longer gel the way it once did, will feel suddenly like it doesn’t make sense anymore.

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