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The Lord Is Performing Operations In the Desert

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all compassion and grace say, 
I’m performing operations in the desert. I’m transplanting hearts and reviving, renewing and restoring hurting and broken hearts in the desert. Hearts that have been locked far away, I Am reviving and bringing back into proper alignment. These operations I’m performing in the desert will restore full joy, will reawaken eyes to sparkle with hope.

Freedom Has Been Set Free

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Grace is rising. Hope is rising. The truth has been bound in chains, but today I Am breaking those chains. I Am demolishing those chains. Freedom has been unleashed from her prison, and the eagle will fly and soar again. I Am liberating the eagle, and she shall be free. She shall not return to the dungeon of her confinement, the prison that held her in darkness with no room to spread her wings. This is a beautiful day in America. This is liberation day.

The Lord Is Surfacing Censored Treasures

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Censored treasures. I’m surfacing censored treasures of old. I’m surfacing ancient wisdom, buried keys and knowledge of great things. Censored treasures are coming to the surface, because I Am causing them to rise. These tools connect to Heaven. These tools tie into and connect to the frequencies of Heaven to bring light, to bring healing, to bring power, to bring life more abundant. They connect to the health of the earth —

You Will See My Goodness and My Glory

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I Am buttering your heart. Better than a salve, this is a covering that heals with abundance. I’m buttering your heart. You are about to see the extravagance of My love poured out in your life. This is a time where you will richly taste and see that I Am so good, always good, extravagantly good. My goodness and My extravagance will surround your heart as you look square in the face of fulfillment, as you hold your promises in your hand.

The Lord Is Breathing Life on Dreams that Have Been Cut Short

The Spirit of the Living God of Unending, Unconditional Love says, 
I’m digging those stumps up from the ground that have been the markings of discouragement, heartbreak, sorrow and despair — that which the enemy cut off, that which never made it to fruition, that which has made your heart sick and has been buried because it was cut off. I Am digging those stumps up. I Am breathing My Ruach breath of life of them, on each individual one, and I will make them into mature trees of life seemingly overnight.

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