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The Breakdown and the Resurrection

The Lord says, 
You’re witnessing and have been witnessing the breakdown — the breakdown of the family, of communities, of society, of integrity, of leadership, of justice, of true governance by the people and for the people. It has been breaking down for some time now, and it all is starting to crumble before your very eyes.

Nothing Will Remain the Same

The Lord says, 
Days of worlds colliding are here. Days of injustice running headlong into a brick wall of justice are here. Days of brokenness, sin, wrong choices and even perversion finding hope, grace, restoration and transformation in the blinding light of the goodness of Jesus Christ are here.

The Lord’s Visitation Is Bringing Freedom

The Lord says, 
Smile. Rejoice. Get your hopes up. Stir up gratitude. Stir up expectation. Stir up love. For I Am coming to your house today. Your heart will know it as a great visitation of My Spirit. Your body will recognize it as the manifest Presence of the Lord. Your soul will crack open as this touch from Me causes those rivers of living water to gush forth from you.

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