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This Is Project Overcoming

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Chosen. You were chosen for such a time as this. You were chosen for this moment, this day, this hour. You were chosen to push back the gates of hell. You were chosen to repel the onslaught at the gate. You were chosen because you fall humbly on your knees, on your face and you seek My heart, My Word, My will, My ways.

Rise Up and Become the New Shepherds

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
My children have become prey for wolves. Where are their shepherds? The shepherds have abandoned them — some seeking fortune, some seeking fame, some seeking to be congratulated for social awareness and moral relativism. Some are seeking pleasure, yet others more education. But who are caring for, tending and minding My sheep? Who are leading My people?

Welcome to the Entry Point of Destiny

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
The sound of My love for you echoes throughout eternity. You were chosen from before the beginning of time. You were chosen from before the foundations of the Earth. Before I made a thing, the sound of My love for you already echoed through eternity. Like a proud parent, I have waited so long for this moment — to see you at the entry place to destiny.

You Are Covered By God’s Love

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
You are covered by My love. My lifeblood poured out for you covers you, atones you and makes you the righteousness of God. You are in fact covered by My love. Walk as holy ones set apart by My blood which is my love. Can you see that I poured out every drop so you would be made whole? I poured out every drop so nothing would remain undone. It is finished. The power of sin and death is finished!

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