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Exalt the Lord Above All

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Exalt Me in your thoughts and mind. Exalt Me in your heart. Crown your thoughts with Me. Let Me be exalted above all. Let Me be the King of your days, of your heart, of your life, of your future. I Am to be exalted above all. I Am the King of Glory. Lift Me up in your sight. Lift Me up in your heart. Lift Me up in your life, your decisions, your conversations.

Hold Onto Faith

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Hold onto faith amidst doubt. Hold onto faith with a strong unbreakable grip. You will learn things that break your heart. You will learn things and see things and be told things that defy understanding. Horrors and dark secrets will start spilling out that cause you to tremble, that cause you to shudder, that cause you to weep.

An Invitation to Restoration

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Fulfilling every craving and desire leads to a hollow empty shell of a soul. You were meant for so much more than this. You were made to live in My light, in joy, in strength and with great honor as true holy nobility. You were made to be regal, set apart and filled with confidence and joy, filled with love from above, not pursuing every shiny thing that catches your eye as if you were a cat pursuing prey.

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