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The Warrior’s Blessing

The Lord says, 
My fierce warriors may not look like fierce warriors. To you they look like moms and dads, men and women, boys and girls going about their business. They carry extra hope. They carry love overflowing. They carry great conviction and a deep connection with Me. But they are about their Father’s business. They are tending to the work I have given into their hands. These great warriors — these brave, bold, whole-hearted ones — carry great authority in the Spirit.

Do Not Grow Weary of Doing What Is Right

The Lord says, 
The battle belongs to Me indeed. But there is work for you to do. This is not a sit on the sidelines game. This is a war, and all must put on their armor, gear up and run into the fight. I have called you to different places in the battlefield, to different purposes, but we all have the same goal — to defeat the enemy, to defeat the powers of darkness that have overtaken this land. Do not grow weary of doing what is right.

The Aquifer of Truth

I am administering hope. I am inoculating My people with a strong dose of courage and hope. For both will be needed in the days ahead. Those who look to Me, those with their eyes stayed on Me - they will not falter. They will not waver. They will not step back, and they will not cower.

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