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What Looks Dry Will Soon Overflow and Become a Blessing for Many

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
The choicest parts have been reserved for now — the sweetest parts, the tenderest parts, the juiciest parts and the most delightful, most fulfilling parts. I have reserved the best for last. But the last is not the end. The last is the new beginning. When it looks like you’ve run out of options, you’ve run out of runway, you’ve run out of rope, I will not only provide, but I will show up with provision worth celebrating, worth relishing, worth savoring.

The Lord Is Performing Operations In the Desert

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all compassion and grace say, 
I’m performing operations in the desert. I’m transplanting hearts and reviving, renewing and restoring hurting and broken hearts in the desert. Hearts that have been locked far away, I Am reviving and bringing back into proper alignment. These operations I’m performing in the desert will restore full joy, will reawaken eyes to sparkle with hope.

An Invitation to Kingdom Living — On Earth As It Is In Heaven

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
The refreshing is here. It comes from Me, but I can release it through you. You are designed to be a carrier of My refreshing who is clothed in the redemption of Jesus. You carry the Spirit of My refreshing in you and with you because you are clothed in the redemptive price paid by King Jesus the Messiah and the Lamb. Your presence — because of My grace on you, the redemption of Jesus covering you and My Spirit that lives inside of you — is to be like a cool breeze on a hot, stagnant day.

Explosive Joy Is Incoming

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
It’s time for a surprise. Watch for a surprise. Joy is incoming. Joy, unexpected joy is inbound. It will come in unexpectedly, launched at you like a grenade, and before you can even say a word, it will explode with light, life and vibrant colors revealing My promises kept to you.

This Is Your Now Celebration

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Grace say, 
The choicest parts — I have saved the choicest parts for you. I have held back and reserved them for you. I intimately and specifically know all you have waited on, all you have desired, all you have prayed to have. You watched as others received. You watched as portions were given, and you celebrated their portion. You celebrated their portion when your plate was empty.

It’s Time to Be Hard Chargers — We Are Carving the Path to Freedom

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am anointing you with holy pressure. I’m anointing you with the holy pressure to complete that which needs to be completed, to advance that which must be driven forward, to speak that which must be spoken. This is the time of a holy unction that drives my builders, My workers, My partners and My co-laborers to move the ball down the field. My grace is here for advancement.

Run to the Fountain

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am the fountain of life. Abandon your cares. Abandon your worries. Abandon all thought or concern of what people think of you. Don’t fear being called foolish for My Name’s sake. Don’t fear being laughed at because you love Me. I Am life. I Am love. I Am freedom.

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