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Live in Joy and Purity

The Lord says, 
Resurrection. New life. New perspective. New hope. New vision. New expectations. I Am taking the lid off of limitations. I Am taking the lid off of what is currently believed to be possible, and I Am calling you to roar. I am calling you to rise up, to soar. I Am calling you to soar and get My up-higher perspective.

A Return to Simplicity and Innocence

The Lord says, 
Picture a field of little white flowers surrounding you like when you were was a child. Recall your innocence and pure delight, the smell of fresh air and green grass, the warmth of the sun on your skin. You will experience a return to days like those — carefree days and innocence, a return to purity, freedom, creativity and wonder, a return to healthy attention spans and delight in nature.

Your Joy Will Be Full

The Lord says, 
It’s Resurrection Season. It’s the season for glorious, vibrant, light-filled new life. It’s the season of wild, unexpected comebacks. It’s the season where breakthroughs long awaited are suddenly in your laps. It’s the kind of season where many walk around with a song in their heart and on their lips.

It’s Time to Live Again!

The Lord says, 
It’s time to rediscover fun. It’s time to find new ways to delight your soul and feel alive again. It’s time to take off the cocoon that that you have been wrapped in - in this season of pain and growth and isolation. It’s time to break out and seek adventure. It’s time to find ways to thrill your heart and revitalize your imagination.

A Worthy Christmas Celebration & Gifts from Heaven

Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us - God with you. Today marks the commemoration of His arrival to Earth wrapped in flesh — in the human body of a baby. He came to the Earth willingly to live among men, to be an example for all. He came to sacrifice, to be mocked and to become the once and for all sacrifice — the sinless, spotless lamb to take away the sins of the world.

Change is Nigh

The Lord says, 
It’s time for a resurrection. It’s time for the unexpected. It’s time for change to seemingly come out of nowhere.

It’s time for a domino effect. It’s time for great, wild rejoicing. It’s time for celebration, parties, parades, confetti releases and fireworks.

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