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Change Is Advancing & You Will Be Thrust Into Its Midst

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth, Righteousness & Justice say, 
You’re sitting on the razor’s edge of change. Change is marching steadily forward like troops arrayed for battle, and soon you will be thrust into their midst. Soon you will drop into the middle of change as it is marching forward in formation, and all you will see is change. Everywhere you look change will be marching forward, steadily, surely, undeterred.

Worship Through the Exposure

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth and Righteousness say, 
Truth is lying in the shadows, but I Am bringing it out of the shadows, out from behind closed doors, out of elite homes and onto the main stage. Both the beautiful truth and the horrific truth will no longer be hidden, swept aside or locked down from public view. And your right response its to worship through it.

The Spirit of Gross Darkness in Obama & Kamala Is Being Exposed

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Discontentment. A discontented heart. The drumbeat of totals is coming. The drumbeat of totals is here. Indistinct patterns are emerging — patterns of life. You will be able to overlay lifestyle patterns. Patterns are emerging that show distinct, intentional overlap of the spirit behind the power, the authority, the person. Soon you will be able to identify the spirit of gross darkness behind Obama and Kamala.

The Truth Will Be Told

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Truth be told. The truth will be told. The truth will resonate with the hearts of men, and they will side with truth. The lies that have been built, one on top the next, on top the next will crumble like a child’s construction set. It will be demolished with a light breeze or a strong breath. No man’s hand will even need to touch the lies for them to crumble into a heap.

The Day of Miraculous Love

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Miraculous love. The truth is spinning round and round and round like a top. When My Hand reaches down and stops the spinning, the truth will be sitting there in plain sight for all to see. The media has kept the truth spinning and has made it difficult to see plainly, to see clearly. The opponents of truth and the purveyors of lies have kept it spinning.

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