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The Lord Is Deflating the Dragon & China Will Be Set Free

The Spirit of the Living God Who Rules and Reigns Forever says, 
Changes are coming in relation to the dragon — in relation to the dark forces of evil behind the dragon. Shadowy forces of darkness are controlling the head of the dragon and the movements of the dragon, and I will pluck those out from their hidden interior positions, from their shielded places of honor. And I will lift them up, expose them and suspend them as puppets on a string.

The Climax, The Crash and The Turning

The Spirit of Living God of Truth says, 
Worship Me in spirit and in truth. Exalt Me above all else. I will be your hope. I will be your rescue agent once again. I haven’t left you here to perish. I haven’t left you here to be crushed under the weight of the workload of the wicked. The gold and the silver are Mine, and I will have them saith the Lord of Hosts.

The Lord Is Breathing Life on Dreams that Have Been Cut Short

The Spirit of the Living God of Unending, Unconditional Love says, 
I’m digging those stumps up from the ground that have been the markings of discouragement, heartbreak, sorrow and despair — that which the enemy cut off, that which never made it to fruition, that which has made your heart sick and has been buried because it was cut off. I Am digging those stumps up. I Am breathing My Ruach breath of life of them, on each individual one, and I will make them into mature trees of life seemingly overnight.

Personal Changes Are Inbound & A Massive Obstruction Will Come to the Election

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Changes are here and more are incoming. This is a season of rapid change coming at you. As a baseball catcher at practice, you will be expected to catch many changes being pitched at you in sequence. Unlike the catcher, you may not get much warning that they are incoming. So be on alert. Keep your eyes and your heart, your hands and your feet ready to catch the changes that are incoming.

Transformational Judgement

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Mine is judgement that transforms. My judgement transforms situations, restores and brings healing to broken and bruised hearts. My judgement transforms nations. I Am the one who turns a desert into a fertile field and a fertile field into a forest. I Am the one who causes streams to flow in the desert. I Am the one whose judgment transforms.

The Lord Is Causing Beauty to Rise from the Ashes

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Beauty is bubbling up from the ashes. Beauty is emerging from the places that seem barren, scorched and dead. Beauty is rising in the places of loneliness, of hollow longing, of heartbreak that have left you bereft. Grace is surging in the barren places, in the dry places, in the places that seem hopeless. Grace is rising, and the winds of fresh hope are blowing the ashes away to reveal something very beautiful emerging, to reveal something covered in My grace rising and emerging and no longer being held down,

The Wicked Are Trapped in a Dead End

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Evil is running into a dead end. They have hit the wall. Now they are trapped as in a back alley behind a dumpster of their own making, and they have nowhere else to go. The stench is intolerable, but still they will be hemmed in. There’s no escape for the wicked. There’s no alternative route for those in league with demons.

The Lord Is Cutting Off the Head of Leviathan & Setting His People Free

The Spirit of the Living God of Israel says, 
I’m taking you back to Camelot. Ancient spirits are opposing truth, are opposing unity, are opposing freedom. But I will cut off the head of that snake, Leviathan. I oppose those who oppose My people, my plans, My purposes and My future for the world. This ancient spirit has clouded vision, has lied, twisted and deceived the hearts and minds of many.

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