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The Floodwaters of Truth & Revival Rains

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Truth runs like a river. Truth flows together, and as it does, it picks up speed. It picks up power. It picks up unpredictability. My unpredictable river of truth is flowing in strength and in power. It’s flowing from the mid-Atlantic (maybe DC, maybe Philadelphia?) across through the lower central parts, the upper belly of the nation, down through the bottom of California into Mexico.

This Is the Birthing of a New Era

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is sufficient for change. My grace is sufficient for completely new constructs, completely new landscapes, completely new prospects and completely new days. My grace for change is here, and change will be of such great magnitude that it will feel like something extraordinary, something massive has been dropped on the Earth from very great heights.

Put on a Kingdom Mindset and Delight in the Brook of Blessing

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Treasures found in darkness, in the secret place. I have treasures hidden for My lovers who have been living well amidst the darkness. I have hidden it for them in the secret place of blessing. I have an underground brook of blessing deep beneath the surface. It is hidden for the delight of My lovers. It is hidden for the provision of My lovers. It is hidden for those who go searching amidst the darkness for Me.

The Breakdown and the Resurrection

The Lord says, 
You’re witnessing and have been witnessing the breakdown — the breakdown of the family, of communities, of society, of integrity, of leadership, of justice, of true governance by the people and for the people. It has been breaking down for some time now, and it all is starting to crumble before your very eyes.

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