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The King Is Turning the Tables & He’s Pushing Us from Darkness into Brilliant Light

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Trust and obey. Keep moving in My direction. Keep moving in the direction of My heartbeat, My delight, My Presence, My guiding. More is to come. More shaking and along with it, more grace for you to stand. More turmoil and a greater measure of peace will be poured out on you too. More headwinds for the wicked, and a great driving wind of My grace at your back to accelerate you even as the wicked stall out and meet trouble and delay.

Rise Up, Run In & Be the Light that Conquers Darkness

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficient to cover the cheat, the steal. My goodness will always overwhelm their evil. My redemption, resurrection and overcoming power will always overwhelm the darkness if those in the light will run into those dark places. If those who bear My name and carry My light inside of them will not fear the darkness but instead will rebuke the darkness, run into the darkness and cause it to dissipate and become a place of sparkling light.

A Cleansing Avalanche

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m shining My light in hearts. My light is lighting hearts up from the inside. Great lights — bright and increasing lights — will shine right out of the hearts of My true lovers. They are helping to light the way. They are lighting the path to Me, to cleansing, forgiveness and victory.

Pursue the Romance of the Lord

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Pursue the romance of Me. Pursue the beauty and majesty, the purity and holiness that can only be found in Me. This is a wooing season, and I Am a wooing God. I desire the hearts of every man, woman, girl and boy. And My love is like a great magnet whose pull I Am amping up now and in the days to come. I will draw all men, women, boys and girls unto Myself.

Faith Will Be Your Sight

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Faith is bubbling up like a fountain within you. Faith is bubbling up, and it is overflowing from your heart, from your innermost being. Faith will become how you see. Faith will be your sight. Faith will lead you forward, and it will stir your heart with what is right and what is now. You will know what is for now by faith.

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