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Shine and Advance!

The Lord says, 
Shine in the shaking. Though the earth trembles beneath you. Though every step seems uncertain and the ground beneath you threatens to give way, shine. Shine as you represent Me to a lost and dying world around you. Shine as the attacks come from every angle. Shine.

A Call to Live in Contagious Joy

The Lord says, 
Live a lifestyle of joy. Live a lifestyle above the storm and the waves of adversity. Live a lifestyle where circumstances don’t dictate your attitude, your personality or your character. That’s what I’m looking for. That’s what I’m calling for. That’s what I’m setting before you. Choose joy. Choose Me. Choose the more real reality of Me, of being seated in Heavenly Places, of your identity in Christ. Choose joy.

The Lord is Positioning America in the Slipstream of His Grace

The Lord says, 
The enemy is prowling around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Be on guard. Set up the boundaries of your heart and mind firmly, so that you are not affected by his advances and you are not susceptible to his attacks. Keep your guard up. Keep your reflexes ready. Rebuke every attack. Bind the enemy and break off every assignment and attack. Do not let guilt or shame have a home in your heart. These are not from Me.

Truth Is Rising

The Lord says, 
The battle belongs to Me. You have your place in the fight — in prayer, in action, in using your voice. But the battle is Mine. Let this truth relieve some pressure. Let this truth give you some room to breathe. You are certainly to participate. You know I have called you into the battle. But I own the outcome.

It’s Celebration Season — Truth and Healing Are Advancing

The Lord says, 
This is a time of celebration. Celebration confuses and angers the enemy. Celebration in the midst of the battle, in the midst of the storm frustrates the plans and the mindset of the enemy. The enemy cannot fathom how their schemes are not working. The enemy cannot fathom how you are living not only in peace, but rejoicing — full of life and light. Sing a celebration song. Live from a position of victory.

The Great Reversal is Near

The Lord says, 
I Am thinking of My lovers, My worshippers, those whose hearts are full to the brim and overflowing with love for Me, who have filled themselves up with My love and the knowledge of My love. My lovers have hearts full of freedom. I desire for My freedom to fill the earth and the hearts of the people. The light of My Glory, the light of exposure, the light of My truth has begun to move from West to East. We are in the waiting period no longer. My light is here. My Presence is here, and I Am moving.

The Lord Is Moving in Healing & Justice

The Lord says, 
So much healing is needed — healing of bodies, healing of hearts, healing of relationships, healing of minds and identities, healing of perspectives. Many are walking around infirm — sick in their heart, mind, body or relationships. That hurt does get spread, and it does compound itself into greater hurt inside. I see the hurts of My people — heavy hearts, downcast eyes, racing thoughts and anxious chests. I Am moving with a great breath of healing wind.

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