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Hold On to Your Buoy of Joy and Anchor of Hope

The Lord says, 
Deep, abiding, immovable joy. Joy that holds fast as the storm tosses and waves rise. A joy that buoys you above the waves, that lifts your head and causes you to be able to see out on the horizon of hope. I Am your joy, your strength and your source. I Am energetic life itself. Seek My joy. Fight for it and refuse to let it go. Wrestle it back from darkness, circumstances, frustrations and disappointments. Own your joy. Own your hope.

Your Joy Will Be Full

The Lord says, 
It’s Resurrection Season. It’s the season for glorious, vibrant, light-filled new life. It’s the season of wild, unexpected comebacks. It’s the season where breakthroughs long awaited are suddenly in your laps. It’s the kind of season where many walk around with a song in their heart and on their lips.

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