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This Is A Hinge of Time

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I love My little lambs, and I Am drawing them to Myself. This is a time of shaking and great darkness. This is a season of breakthrough and powerful, rarely seen before anointing. This is a hinge of time. On one side of the door is darkness, yet just on the other side is light.

This Is the Birthing of a New Era

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is sufficient for change. My grace is sufficient for completely new constructs, completely new landscapes, completely new prospects and completely new days. My grace for change is here, and change will be of such great magnitude that it will feel like something extraordinary, something massive has been dropped on the Earth from very great heights.

Keep Pushing

The Lord says, 
I’m stirring resurrection in the hearts of men and women. I’m stirring up expectation even in children. This is a look out on the horizon time, because My move is near and arriving. It is rolling in like a fearsome storm that causes all to run for cover. My glory and the hope of My mighty move are shining on and reflecting from the hearts of My lovers.

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