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Living in Victory Season Requires Us to Stay At War

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
This is a victorious season, and one in which we see many decisive triumphs. You will see and be part of many victories that appear to be taken by blunt force. You will see some victories that are won by workarounds, by routing and usurping the enemy. You will see some battles will be won by catapulting a massive, destructive stone into their camps, into their castle, into their fortification. This is a spiritual war that is playing out as ground warfare.

The Lord Can Prosper You in the Barren Place

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I Am the Magnificent Redeemer, and I will redeem the time. I will redeem all that the locusts have eaten — the creeping locust, the swarming locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust. Be anchored in Me. Be in firm, immovable belief that My hand is at work. I Am calling you to firm trust, to stubborn, anchored immovable belief that I Am with you, I Am for you, and I Am working on your behalf.

An Invitation to Kingdom Living — On Earth As It Is In Heaven

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
The refreshing is here. It comes from Me, but I can release it through you. You are designed to be a carrier of My refreshing who is clothed in the redemption of Jesus. You carry the Spirit of My refreshing in you and with you because you are clothed in the redemptive price paid by King Jesus the Messiah and the Lamb. Your presence — because of My grace on you, the redemption of Jesus covering you and My Spirit that lives inside of you — is to be like a cool breeze on a hot, stagnant day.

This Is the Greater Purification — It’s Time to Sparkle As the Son

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I desire crystal clear purity in your inner parts. This is how I was able to say, Satan has nothing in Me. As I told My disciples, I’ve already cleansed you, so you only need to have your feet cleaned. So are you. You only need to have some things cleaned up on the inside, so you will be able to say as I said, Satan has nothing in me.

It’s Time to Take the Highlands & Hill Country With Testimony & Warfare Worship

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
I’m drawing you into the highlands. I’m drawing you into the intimidating hill country that has been long possessed by the enemy. I’m drawing you out far from your base camp. I’m drawing you out for a fight. I’m drawing you out for battle. This far, distant hill country is a great distance away from the place you have been set up.

This Is the Time That Births the New

I heard the Spirit of the Living Loving God of All Creation say, 
Partnership is what I desire. Deep abiding friendship and kinship. Connected hearts. I long to walk with you in the cool of the day and converse about what is on our hearts. I desire for you to share your secrets with Me, to pursue My heart, My wisdom and My best. And I want to share My secrets with you and unveil mysteries and keys that unlock the future. This is a time of invitation.

This Is A New Season & The War Ahead Will Be Much Different

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I Am restoring childlike wonder. The season you have walked through has been a harsh winter. It has been abrasive and unforgiving. It has been relentless and hard. The season we have entered is new. It is still a war season, but it’s different here. The shield of your faith has grown larger and covers you now with greater coverage and less effort. And it provides cover in this place so you can live in the light, in the gentler, kinder conditions.

Come Into the Lord’s Divine War Room — You Are Going from Prey to Pouncer

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Resurrection is here. What has been dead is waking to life. What has lain dormant and asleep is shaking and rattling to the surface, full of new life. Death has been defeated. Resurrection should be expected. The enemy falls for it every time. I can lure him into smug arrogance and distraction when he thinks things that pose a threat have died. As he shifts focus, I breathe a resurrection.

You Are a Visible Light in Darkness

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m calling you to be a visible light in the darkness, a visible difference in the darkness. I’m calling you to be a visible light in the darkness, even as My Spirit and My grace nudge you forward and upward. Darkness and even deep darkness surrounds, but My light is in you, and My light surrounds you. You are a visible representation of My glory. You are the light that assures people that I have not left you all alone to shift for yourselves in the midst of this great darkness.

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