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His Grace Is Sufficient for Our Full Surrender

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of endless love say, 
This is a year of submission. This is a year of laying all things down, of spreading all that you have and all that you are before me in love, in surrender and in trust — trust that I have not led you this far to fail you, trust that it has not all been for nothing, trust that the lessons, the skills and the pieces have purpose and meaning, and they will have a place in your future.

Desire for False Narratives and Palliative Care Gospel is Dead

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
This is a year marked by surrender. This is a year of laying things down — laying ego down, laying ambition down, laying agendas down, laying your entire life and self down and submitting your heart, mind and life to service through the awe of the grace of King Jesus. The awe of Jesus, the rapt awe of Jesus is grabbing ahold of people’s hearts and pulling them down, prostrate before Him.

Keep Moving Forward

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all Peace say, 
Challenges will come up. Challenges that fly in the face of what you’ve been told and what you’re expecting. But you can move forward in the weighty peace that I have given you. You can move forward in the grace that I have placed on your life. Don’t react. Don’t freak out. Just breathe, and pick one foot up and then the next.

The Anointing & the Treasure Make You a Gift to the Nations

I heard the sweet Spirit of the Living God of Grace say, 
Greatness is on the inside of you. I have placed it there. Great potential is on the inside of you, and I Am drawing it out as a fisherman reels in his line. I have buried so many treasures inside of you. This is a season in which I Am surfacing them and causing them to sparkle and shine. These beautiful treasures, these gems of gifts sparkle in the dark and in the light.

Keep Walking Forward, The New Day Is Here

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who rules and reigns forever say, 
I’m testing your heart — to see if you’re ready, to make you ready for the dawning of the new day that is here. We have moved to a totally new time, yet many remain unaware. Many cannot perceive the difference in the time we are now. Change is here. A different day is here. A new path forward and even a whole new atmosphere has blown in among you. Trust in Me as you walk forward.

You Are A Channel and Supply Line for the Lord’s Explosive Change

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m opening up new channels and supply lines. You are a supply line for change — the weaponization of change. I Am supplying to you and through you everything you need to be a destructive force of change. I Am supplying dynamite-like power, explosive power to you and through you that will destroy the works of the enemy, that will destroy the curses and incantations of the enemy, that will destroy the plots of the enemy and that will destroy the chains that the enemy is using to hold many captive.

Living in Victory Season Requires Us to Stay At War

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
This is a victorious season, and one in which we see many decisive triumphs. You will see and be part of many victories that appear to be taken by blunt force. You will see some victories that are won by workarounds, by routing and usurping the enemy. You will see some battles will be won by catapulting a massive, destructive stone into their camps, into their castle, into their fortification. This is a spiritual war that is playing out as ground warfare.

The Lord Can Prosper You in the Barren Place

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I Am the Magnificent Redeemer, and I will redeem the time. I will redeem all that the locusts have eaten — the creeping locust, the swarming locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust. Be anchored in Me. Be in firm, immovable belief that My hand is at work. I Am calling you to firm trust, to stubborn, anchored immovable belief that I Am with you, I Am for you, and I Am working on your behalf.

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