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The Lord Is Now Releasing the Best Gifts from His Father’s Heart

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all truth say, 
The choicest parts, the very best gifts come deep from within My Father’s heart. I have held them there and reserved them there until the right moment for you. This is the time of the release of the best gifts from My Father’s heart. All that has been desired, dreamt of and waited on is being released from where I have held it safe and secure as a perfect tightly held treasure in My heart. It’s being released to you now.

This Is a Time of Promotion

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
This is the season and the time and even the day you have been waiting for. All that you have sown, all that you have invested, all the work that you have done has come into its time. The hard seasons, the dark seasons, the dry times and the low times have brought you to this place, where it is time to celebrate, smile, laugh, sing for joy and rejoice. This is the time of the pinnacle.

Give the Lord the Keys to Your Heart

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m unlocking hearts, and desires are being made real. Give Me the key to your heart. Grant Me full unfettered access behind your gates, within your gates. I will weed the little weeds that have grown up alongside the path to your innermost heart. I will sweep the dust off of this protected, paved, rarely trod pathway to your innermost heart.

We Are Now In a Time of Unprecedented Fruitfulness — Our Work Must Change Accordingly

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all abundance say, 
I Am tagging My redeemed ones. My redeemed ones are tagged in their hearts. I have imprinted My redemption code on your hearts, and now is the time for the outward manifestation of My redemption to be seen worldwide. Redemption will not only be an internal state of being, will not only be a personal matter. It will manifest as an existential truth, with existential proof. As the Scriptures say, you will know them by their fruit.

His Grace Is Sufficient for Our Full Surrender

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of endless love say, 
This is a year of submission. This is a year of laying all things down, of spreading all that you have and all that you are before me in love, in surrender and in trust — trust that I have not led you this far to fail you, trust that it has not all been for nothing, trust that the lessons, the skills and the pieces have purpose and meaning, and they will have a place in your future.

Keep Walking Forward, The New Day Is Here

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who rules and reigns forever say, 
I’m testing your heart — to see if you’re ready, to make you ready for the dawning of the new day that is here. We have moved to a totally new time, yet many remain unaware. Many cannot perceive the difference in the time we are now. Change is here. A different day is here. A new path forward and even a whole new atmosphere has blown in among you. Trust in Me as you walk forward.

This Is the Time of the Floods of God’s Goodness and His Yes & Amen

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Live in anticipation. Live with a great expecation for good. Change is coming. Deliveries are coming. This is a season of expectation and fulfillment. This is a season and a time of of deliveries being made, answers coming and promises fulfilled. Get your hopes up. Get your expectation up higher. A flood of My goodness is incoming. A flood of My goodness that you have only tasted before will overwhelm you and your household. This is the time of my yes and amen. This is a time to be absolutely flooded by My grace, love, favor and goodness.

God’s Grace Is Unlocking A New Day of Destiny

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all grace say, 
My grace is a key designed to unlock your heart. Only the Master, the Creator knows what secrets have been hidden in there for your delight and your future. I Am unlocking your heart with My Master Key. And a whole universe of purpose, dreams, desires and song will flow from you in a new way. This is what I do for My lovers. What has been locked inside, what has been hidden inside even from your own view, perception and understanding will suddenly flow forth with a new sound, as a new song. It will amaze you.

Chase Out the Dream Thieves, Get Your Hopes Up & Conquer

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
I’m chasing the thieves of dreams away. Thieves have come in, have crept in and have eaten away at your dreams. They have tried to dismantle them, degrade them and cause your dreams to lose structural integrity and crumble into a heap. But these thieves, these foxes, these thoughts and mindsets, these interlopers underestimate the substance of the dreams and the craftsmanship of the Dream Giver. I Am breathing fresh hope into your camp.

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