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The Lord is Bringing Great Joy to His People & Confusing the Camp of the Enemy

The Lord says, 
Joy is on My heart — indescribable, unending joy. Joy that seems out of place in such darkness and trouble. Joy that can’t be penned up. This is the joy of the Lord. The joy of the Lord is your strength, and it is a mighty weapon. It breaks the powers of darkness and carries you through impossible circumstances. I Am making deposits of ecstatic joy in the hearts of My people.

Truth Will Be Exposed & Justice Will Be Served

The Lord says, 
I’m filling My people. I’m filling them with hope, with joy, with passion and with purpose. We are walking into days where many new decisions and many major changes will need to happen. I Am filling My people up and empowering them to make these decisions to take major risks, to walk into the unknown, to leave past careers, cities, partnerships, relationships, and lifestyles behind.

His Holiness Covers the Earth

The Lord says, 
I Am calling you to be holy, even as I Am holy. I Am bringing a great revelation of My holiness to the Earth. So much of the Earth is filled and consumed with that which is carnal. Carnal in and of itself is not evil. It is a state of reality. It is the physical. It is flesh and blood. When I died and resurrected, I redeemed all things. Therefore the law of entropy should not be at work in your heart and in your mind, in your plans and in your behavior. 

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