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Enter the Days of Your New Consecration & New Commissioning

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m cleaning My vessels for service. I’m bringing a new rite of purification, a new process of purification for these vessels who are consecrated into My service. Like My disciples, you are already washed clean. It’s only your feet that need to be washed. The road has been long, hard and dirty, but you have remained pure. This new purification, this new level of purification is for a new commissioning.

Fresh, Weighty Anointing Is Here — It Will Require Purity & Discipline to Carry It

The Spirit of the Living God from whom all blessings flow says, 
I Am causing streams to flow in the desert. I Am bringing a downpour of favor, blessing and great refreshing in the place where people have been waiting for their transition. Destiny is here. Anointings, gifts and platforms are being given. They are being handed out and distributed by My graciousness and My love. They are being handed out to individuals who have been waiting, who have shown themselves faithful, diligent and true in the desert place.

Rise Up and Become the New Shepherds

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
My children have become prey for wolves. Where are their shepherds? The shepherds have abandoned them — some seeking fortune, some seeking fame, some seeking to be congratulated for social awareness and moral relativism. Some are seeking pleasure, yet others more education. But who are caring for, tending and minding My sheep? Who are leading My people?

There Is No Elevator to the Top of This Mountain

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Trust Me in the mountains You face. Trust Me in the rocks and boulders over which you climb. I Am faithful, and I Am here. I never leave you nor forsake you, no matter how dire and desperate things look, no matter how wonderful and victorious things look, I Am here. The mountains lead to the hill country and then to the plains. You must tread this treacherous landscape and overcome these giant obstacles to get to the place of sure footing.

Welcome to the Entry Point of Destiny

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
The sound of My love for you echoes throughout eternity. You were chosen from before the beginning of time. You were chosen from before the foundations of the Earth. Before I made a thing, the sound of My love for you already echoed through eternity. Like a proud parent, I have waited so long for this moment — to see you at the entry place to destiny.

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