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A Righteous Reset

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m resetting the right. Trust Me. I Am resetting the right. What looks like turmoil and disarray, what looks like infighting and total disorganization, what looks like misalignment and the inability to get on the same page — it is for a reset.

The Kingdom Age Renaissance

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Kingdom luxury brands and businesses will be needed and will have a place. Their value and reach will far exceed expectations. It will far exceed the reach of brands that have iconic status now. Kingdom luxury businesses will overshadow and eclipse the prevailing brands of today that have sided with darkness and even those that operate just in the strength and wisdom of man.

Position Yourself in Peace and Get Ready to Run

The Lord says, 
Allow My peace to wash over you, to soak you to the bone. Allow My peace to bring rest, relief and respite. Allow the massive wave of My peace to drown out the noise, the chaos, the heartbreak and insanity. Allow the tidal wave of My peace to cover you, to protect you, to give you eyes to see the treasures around you. Though the waves crash and the storm is ferocious, though the world is in chaos, confusion and disarray, you can have peace.

The Dawn of a New Day

The Lord says, 
This is a time of great evil in government. Government leaders at every level are corrupt influence peddlers. And for many, their evil extends far beyond pay to play schemes and money. The stench of their evil is pervasive and it rises up to Me and offends Me. Like filthy, stinking dogs, they have no power to cleanse themselves, no ability to cover the stench of their offenses.

A New Earth

The Lord says,
I Am taking keen pleasure in My people. I Am dwelling on family intimacy - playing altogether, laughing together, cooking together, eating and drinking together. My pleasure is on families and family unity today. I Am moving with healing balm that will be a salve to wounds and and will mend fissures and stitch families back together.

Moving to a New Era

The destiny of many is wrapped up in this season. The major events soon to take place will change the trajectory of many lives. They will bring new opportunities, new purpose and a completely different perspective to the lives of many. These will run after big callings and big dreams and big ideas. And they will be a blessing to the world.

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