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Days of Restoration, Transformation & Glory Are Here

The Lord says, 
Come to the Father, come into grace. There’s no reason to wait. I’m here. I’m waiting with My arms wide open — full of grace, full of love, full of longing to be restored to my little ones. My heart is full of love for you, and My arms are filled with transformation, with belonging, with purpose and with the treasures of Heaven. Run, don’t walk. Come back to Me. Leave your former ways. Leave your current ways.

Love, Faith & The Impossible

The Lord says, 
Love does. Love looks like something. Love is not just a feeling or a fleeting emotion that you can fall into and out of. Love is a choice. Love is an action. Love is a cold cup of water. Love is a hug for a stranger. Love is looking people in the eyes and seeing their pain, acknowledging their plight. Love is a posture, a lifestyle and a choice.

The Fires of the Crucible & The Spirit

The Lord says, 
I can see that your heart is hurting, tender and aching. I can see that your face is wet with tears. I can see that you can’t make out the road ahead and that it all feels so daunting, so bleak, so dark. I Am hurting with you. I am sharing in your pain, your loss, your frustration at the darkness. I Am sharing this burden and these feelings with you. You are not alone.

It’s Open Season

The Lord says, 
One thing. That phrase echoes the heart of David who said that one thing he desired was to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The one thing I desire is to draw My people to Myself. I desire My people to come and dwell with Me, to reside with Me, to find healing, deliverance, salvation and purpose in My Presence.

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