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A Personal Destiny Awakening

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
My principles are written in stone. They are written in Living Stone. They are written on the tablets of your heart. They are written on the life of the Cornerstone of your faith, Christ Jesus. He is the solid rock and the Cornerstone. You are the living stones that are building the Church, the legislative body of Christ’s Kingdom, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Soul Deep Revelation

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Have a revival celebration. Have a revelation celebration. This is not a time of My silence. This is a time where I pour out My Spirit on all flesh, where young men see visions and old men dream dreams. This is a time of living in the refreshing waters of My fresh Rhema word. I have a now word, a now revelation, and it is sparking now revival.

This Is the Reset

The Spirit of the Lord says,
These are days of the Great Reset. It’s My reset. It’s My time. It’s My world. And I will do it. I will preside over the Great Reset, and it will set things back to right. My love is like unfathomably deep underground wells, and it will burst forth as geysers from the deep.

Geysers of Joy and Wildfire Revivals

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Joy is bubbling beneath the surface. Joy is simmering, bubbling and coming to a low boil, but soon I will cause a great joy explosion. I will cause geysers of joy to erupt from the hearts of men and women, boys and girls. It’s about Me. It’s about truth. It’s about firm, anchored identity. It’s about worth. It’s about value. It’s about knowing who they are, because they know whose they are.

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