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The Lord’s Change Is Here

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My change is here. You will begin to see Me taking ground. You will begin to see the territory of the enemy being invaded by righteousness. You will begin to see purity and holiness in place of filth and evil. You will see change. It will come and surprise. It will provoke those with evil. They will see and feel and experience their territory being taken.

You Are the Flood of Righteousness

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am trustworthy. I Am reliable. I never lie. I never leave. I never fail. I Am the God who protects you. I uphold you with My righteous right hand. Whom or what shall you fear? I will lead you in triumph. I will lead you in victory. I will lead you in a righteous celebration of righteous leadership and overcoming. Righteousness shall prevail.

A Righteous Reset

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m resetting the right. Trust Me. I Am resetting the right. What looks like turmoil and disarray, what looks like infighting and total disorganization, what looks like misalignment and the inability to get on the same page — it is for a reset.

Establishing the Pillar of Truth

The Lord says, 
I’m thinking about America as one nation under God, one nation created as a nation set apart, dedicated to Me, established on principles of freedom, liberty, justice and above all the freedom to worship. The founders of this nation set out a clear and distinct vision for how it would self-govern. And over time, that vision was weakened through bad interpretations, through the views of those who don’t know Me and don’t have an interest in the destiny of the country.

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