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The Lord Is Deflating the Dragon & China Will Be Set Free

The Spirit of the Living God Who Rules and Reigns Forever says, 
Changes are coming in relation to the dragon — in relation to the dark forces of evil behind the dragon. Shadowy forces of darkness are controlling the head of the dragon and the movements of the dragon, and I will pluck those out from their hidden interior positions, from their shielded places of honor. And I will lift them up, expose them and suspend them as puppets on a string.

Enter & Remain In the Lord’s Zone of Perfect Peace

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Purity befits a king. The stillness is Mine. You can find Me in the stilllness. You can find Me in the silence. Mine is the peace that calms raging rivers and stops dams. My peace changes things. Create room for Me. Create a space where you can find Me in the silence, in the stillness, even in the dark. Mine is the Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Yet more shaking is coming. More shaking is here.

This Is the Time of the Youth Rising

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Desire for wisdom is surging. The hunger for Me, the hunger to know Me and experience the reality of being known by Me is surging. A deep hunger and thirst for righteousness is in the mouths and hearts of many. College campuses will continue to display and will explode with the expression of this hunger in a greater way than has ever been seen before.

The Outcasts Will Shine Like the Son

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Divine encounters. I Am encountering my people, and not just the ones you’d think. I’m encountering the drug addicted and those on the fringes of society. I’m encountering the forgotten, the cast aside, the rebels and the wayward. I’m encountering those whose delicate hearts have been trampled on by many.

This Is the Time of a Great Turning

The Spirit of the Living God of Glory says, 
Where sin abounds grace does even more abound. My grace is flowing like rich honey into the hearts and lives of those you might call wicked. My grace is coming to those who have operated in direct opposition to Me, who have made it their life’s work to set themselves as intellectuals who mock and have no need for Me.

Every Construct Made of Lies Will Be Demolished by Truth

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Truth is waiting in the wings. It’s waiting like wrecking balls pulled back on cranes, ready to take down the temples built of lies, ready to take down the structures built on lies, ready to take down every man- made construct build on lies. The truth is poised and ready to come in like a wrecking ball to these fortresses of lies and structures and constructs made of lies.

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