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The Lord Is Moving Mountains

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m moving mountains. I’m moving the location of mountains. Where mountains once stood tall, proud, seemingly immovable and permanent, I Am moving them to new venues, new homes, new locations. I Am moving the mountains to the places of my favor, where My favor, glory and grace rest.

Expect Change, Changes & More Change

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Changes. Big changes. Massive sea changes. Change is here, and like waves crashing on the shore, more change is coming. Expect change, changes and more change. Expect wave after wave of change in sometimes steady, sometimes unpredictable succession. In this season, the only thing you can expect and anticipate is change.

Greece Will Rise Again

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is on Greece for recovery, for full restoration and for power. My grace is on Greece to rise again, to shake off the shackles of socialism and rise again as a great shipping power, as a great economic power, as a great country of culture that’s invested in self-interest — the honorable and worthy self-interest of its people, of its land, of its resources.

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