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The White Silence Is a Cleansing Place, a Refuge from the Noise & a Portal to the Lord’s Presence

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
I’m sharpening your ears for hearing. These may seem like times of great silence from Me. My subtlety, My volume, My light touch is training your sensitivity to My Spirit. This is not to create a feeling or suggestion of distance. I Am not distant. This is a time to press in further. This is a time to sit and wait with expectation that you will indeed hear My voice, you will absolutely feel My touch and receive an answer on which way to go.

Great Harvest of the Great Awakening

The Lord says, 
I’m in a good mood. I Am moving. I Am hovering. What is happening in the world has not escaped My notice or attention. But what I Am pleased with, what is bringing Me great pleasure, is the increased unity of the Body of Christ. I see a great increase in the unity today. Your voices are raising up to Me in unison today, and your prayers are rising to Me with the beautiful fragrance of incense. This is a tender moment of unity, brokenness and earnest seeking.

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