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The Storm is Near

The Lord says, 
The season is about to shift very quickly. It is about to be an abrupt season change, a major, huge pivot. And it will be disorienting, and it may feel alarming and unsettling and and urgent. You are already in a season of low visibility, and so too will the next season be one of low visibility. In this season, it has been very difficult to see inches in front of your face. I Am bringing some moments to this next season where you will be able to see clearly.

For Freedom’s Sake

The Lord says, See the horses? Look at them. Do you see and sense the freedom of the horses? Yet they are still fenced in. They live within the boundaries set by others. Yet a desire to run wild at full speed is still in their hearts, still in their DNA, still burns in their legs.

Breaking Barriers

I Am making a way, where there seems to be no way. I will turn mourning into dancing. I will do something so massive, so transformative, that I’m the only one who can. I’m about to do great wonders among you. Hold on, it’s going to be an unexpected and wild ride.

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