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This Is the Great Awakening

The Spirit of the Living God beckons and issues an invitation —
Praise to the Lamb. Praise to the righteous King who is holy, worthy and and deserving of all glory, honor and praise. Praise to the King of kings, the King of glory. Let the whole Earth sing. Let the whole Earth rise up with songs from the heart — spontaneous songs of worship.

Choose Revival

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Revival is in the air. Revival is hovering, floating, riding on the breeze. It’s so available. It’s so reachable. All you must do is reach up and pull it right down to you — to your heart, your life. Remember that old song, that old prayer for revival that said, let it start with me? It must start in your heart, in your life.

Be One Who Shares Good News

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am the bearer of Good News. I love good news, and I love to share it. I Am the ultimate good news. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father, except by Me. I Am the Good News. I Am the best news. I Am the ultimate news of life, freedom and abundant joy. Hope really does spring eternal in Me.

Testimonies Will Cover the Earth

The Lord says, 
It’s resurrection day. It’s resurrection hour. The season has arrived. The day has arrived. The time has arrived. It’s going to get personal. It’s going to be personal for many, many, many people. The breakthrough, the resurrection, the new life, the freedom is going to be personally real, personally felt, personally experienced. These are days of many testimonies.

Truth and Freedom Will Burst Forth

The Lord says, 
I don’t stop. I haven’t stopped. I’ve never stopped fighting for you. One day, all fighting, enmity and strife will cease. But that is not yet. That is not now. That is not today.

Today we are still at war. Today I Am with you in the fight for truth, justice, righteousness, purity, morality and to ensure that the children remain innocent of evil.

The Flood of His Glory

The Lord says, 
I Am healing, I Am doing deep, permanent healing - healing of hearts and minds, healing that restores discernment between truth and lies, between fact and fiction, between right and wrong. I Am doing a deep deep work among the people. I Am stitching hearts back together. I Am restoring neural pathways and creating new ones. Minds are being healed, and they are becoming holy. Believers are are finally receiving, taking on the Mind of Christ that is their birthright as a son or daughter.

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