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An Unusual & Plentiful Harvest

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
The tides have changed, and the fish are jumping in the boat. Even as you are casting your net out into the sparkling green-blue waters, the fish will jump in before it hits the water. Millions and millions are teeming, desiring to be brought up in the net, into the boat.

A Time of Countless Individual Transformations & the Sidelining of Mainstream News

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all unending love say, 
I’m chasing people with My miracles. I Am chasing people with the wonder of Me. Once it catches them, they will never be the same. This is a moment of miracles, wonder and bright lights. This is a time when My Name is exalted on high by many. This is a time where the tides have turned, where public opinion is turning and the news no longer commands the will of the people.

The Lord Is Clearing the Garbage & Sharp Remnants of Lies from Your Path

I heard the Spirit of the Living God from whom all blessings flow say, 
I’m taking out the trash. I’m taking out the shattered and broken glass of lies that you have walked on that have only served to cut and bloody your beautiful feet. It’s time to take the trash out and with it, I Am sweeping away and removing every shard of broken glass lie that has cut you and has inhibited your ability to walk well, to advance boldly, to run confidently. This is the time of the trash and lie removal.

A Time of Ascension & Mountains Being Leveled — Where Nothing Is Impossible

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all strength, power & authority say, 
He who moved mountains back then moves mountains today. I Am the mountain mover. I placed every star in the sky, and I know them all by name. Shall I not move these mountains for you? Would I not move these mountains for you? What has stood as a great intimidating, impassible blockage to your way forward, I will either cause you to ascend, conquer and occupy, or I will cause the mountain itself to be made low before you.

This Is A New Day In America & For the People of America

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Restoration say, 
Trust in My promises. Put faith in My yes and amen. These are days of celebration, of victory after victory after victory. These are days of hearts turning to Me, of many, many, many bowing in utter and complete humility at My feet. These are the days of the turnaround. These are the days that prepare the way of the Lord your King.

The Lord Is Establishing New Order

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who always follows through say, Marvelous grace for change is here. Wonder working grace for change is here. You are beginning to see the wrinkles in the foundational elements now. Those wrinkles will disturb the status quo, and then they will necessitate change. For those who set the status quo, for those whose lives thrive and prosper on the status quo, this will be very disturbing — and then as the wrinkling increases, it will be very alarming. They will see the warning signs that I Am pulling the rug out from beneath their feet.

2025: A Year of Heaven Manifesting on Earth, Dead Ends Leading to Jesus, Underdogs Becoming Victorious & Treason Being Exposed

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of All Creation say, 
Heaven is near. It’s nearer now than when you first believed. These are days and a people who are pulling Heaven down to Earth. You are drawing on the resources of Heaven. You are hungering and thirsting for righteousness and connection with the Living God in a way that makes demands on Heaven and draws it closer and closer to Earth. Aspects of Heaven are manifesting on Earth.

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