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Keep Walking Forward, The New Day Is Here

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who rules and reigns forever say, 
I’m testing your heart — to see if you’re ready, to make you ready for the dawning of the new day that is here. We have moved to a totally new time, yet many remain unaware. Many cannot perceive the difference in the time we are now. Change is here. A different day is here. A new path forward and even a whole new atmosphere has blown in among you. Trust in Me as you walk forward.

Truth & Trust Are Required in Your Deepest Parts

the Spirit of the Living God of Truth and Faithfulness say, 
I desire to see truth and trust in Me in the deepest parts of you. Those parts that are farthest from sight and closest to the core of you are the places where I want the frequencies for truth and trust in Me, unwavering, unapologetic trust in Me to resound. These are the elements, the characteristics that are the signature of heirs of the King.

Laugh at the Days Ahead, Run into Battle with the Soaring Heart of a Warrior-King

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who reigns say, 
Inbound truth has a resonance and a sound. Don’t fret about your ability to know the truth or find the truth. The inbound truth has a resonance and a sound that strikes a chord in your heart. The chords of your heart are tuned to righteousness, truth and love. When something other than these hits the strings of your heart, discord is the sound and the feeling produced.

Live in the Up-Higher Place of Prayer in This War Season

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
It’s hard to see and understand what’s going on, but you can see that we are in the storm. You know that the storm has begun. This is a low visibility time in the natural, but you can see with sparkling clarity in the spirit. I have invited you to this up-higher place with Me, where you can see clearly from My perspective. Even above the storm and down through the storm, you will be able to perceive and know where we are in the storm and what’s taking place.

You Were Not Meant to Be A Beast of Burden, You Were Made to Run Wild & Free

I heard The Spirit of the Lord say, 
My eyes are on the sparrow. I see your heart. I see the contents of it. I see the places that are tender and bring pain when touched. I know what lights you up, what excites you and delights you. I know what makes you tick. I made you. You are beautiful, inside and out. You are wonderfully and perfectly made. Put your trust in Me. Put the full weight of your confidence and trust in Me. I will give you rest.

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