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This Year Will Be Marked by a Shaking and a Great Roller Coaster Ride

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficient for change, for striking change. Striking change is coming to the world. Striking change is coming to hearts. Striking change is coming to eyes. Striking change will open ears. It will be that the shaking causes the doors of hearts to open. It will be that the shaking causes the scales and wrong lenses to fall from people’s eyes.

Truth Is On Track

Surprises. This is a time of surprises, large and small. Grace for change is here. Grace for triumph is here. Grace for great forward unstoppable momentum is here. Grace for truth being like a weighty speeding train on perfectly aligned tracks is here.

The Season of Multiplication and Offensively Repelling the Onslaught at the Gate

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
This is a season of multiplication, not division. I Am multiplying the outcome of your efforts. I have put multiplication in the hearts of many, and this is a year that those seeds sprout. You will see spiritual multiplication. You will see natural multiplication, and you will see supernatural multiplication. You will see multiplication of provision. You will see hearts overflowing with The Spirit, with love and power.

2024: A Year to Ascend and Transcend

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am broadcasting the good news. Jesus is worthy. He is noteworthy and newsworthy. He is worthy. I Am broadcasting good news. This is a year of good news. This is a year of the Gospel. This is a year of truth being released like a smoke bomb. Rather than obscuring vision as it is released, it clears vision. It brings clarity and resonance that does not belie it. Truth will be released like many, many, many smoke bombs, and the vision of many, many, many people will be cleared.

This Is the Time to Be Light in the Darkness

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m shining a light in darkness, and you are that light. You are the light I have placed in darkness. It’s time to arise and shine. It’s time to be the bright light that I designed and tailor made you to be. You are to be a city on a hill. You are to be the bright light that guides the way and gives hope and comfort to those living in deep darkness.

The Lord’s Change Is Here

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My change is here. You will begin to see Me taking ground. You will begin to see the territory of the enemy being invaded by righteousness. You will begin to see purity and holiness in place of filth and evil. You will see change. It will come and surprise. It will provoke those with evil. They will see and feel and experience their territory being taken.

A Season of Revelation & Miracles

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am pouring out a spirit of revelation and wonder on the people this Christmas season. I Am pouring revelation and wonder into individual hearts and lives. I Am pouring out a spirit of revelation and wonder in regions throughout the world, and hearts and eyes will turn to Me. Knees will bow in awe, in reverence and in humility and repentance.

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