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The Lord Is Turning the Tables on the Wicked

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace for justice and change are here. Grace for justice and change are here. It’s time for a changing of the guard. It’s time for a rearranging of the ranks. It’s time to upset the apple cart. Let the chips fall where they may. They have treated this land and this people like a casino. They have gambled for Fortune’s reward.

A Fear of the Lord Movement

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My Spirit is hovering over the water, hovering over the deep. I’m hovering over the shallow parts too. My glory is hovering over the Earth. My glory is kissing the waters, the land, the creatures and the people. My glory is rushing in like a violent unexpected wind. But from inside My glory you only sense peace, you only sense Presence, you only sense love.

Warriors, Keep Striking at the Truth

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Truth is established. Truth is set up as big and obvious as a giant bullseye in the public square. My warriors are throwing battle axes, and striking truth. As they strike truth, they chip away at the lies. As they strike truth, the clash, the connection with truth resonates in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls, because I have set truth in their hearts from eternity past.

A Reckoning of Truth

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m chasing down truth. I’m digging it up. I’m unearthing it from the ground, and I’m placing it in the paths of men and women. People will simply happen upon the truth as they are walking along the path upon which I have set them. They will seem to stumble upon the truth in their normal, typical walk; and these truths will tell a different story.

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