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The Lord Is Establishing New Order

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who always follows through say, Marvelous grace for change is here. Wonder working grace for change is here. You are beginning to see the wrinkles in the foundational elements now. Those wrinkles will disturb the status quo, and then they will necessitate change. For those who set the status quo, for those whose lives thrive and prosper on the status quo, this will be very disturbing — and then as the wrinkling increases, it will be very alarming. They will see the warning signs that I Am pulling the rug out from beneath their feet.

2025: A Year of Heaven Manifesting on Earth, Dead Ends Leading to Jesus, Underdogs Becoming Victorious & Treason Being Exposed

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of All Creation say, 
Heaven is near. It’s nearer now than when you first believed. These are days and a people who are pulling Heaven down to Earth. You are drawing on the resources of Heaven. You are hungering and thirsting for righteousness and connection with the Living God in a way that makes demands on Heaven and draws it closer and closer to Earth. Aspects of Heaven are manifesting on Earth.

This Is the Greater Purification — It’s Time to Sparkle As the Son

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I desire crystal clear purity in your inner parts. This is how I was able to say, Satan has nothing in Me. As I told My disciples, I’ve already cleansed you, so you only need to have your feet cleaned. So are you. You only need to have some things cleaned up on the inside, so you will be able to say as I said, Satan has nothing in me.

The Lord’s Grace Being Poured Out on the Mountains Will Cause a Divine Team Switch

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of All Grace say, 
My grace is smoothing the path, even anointing the path for your ascension to the place I have for you — the place in the Seven Mountains that I have for you. My grace is being poured out from above the top of the mountain, and it is clearing a grace path for you. For you the path is appointed and anointed. For the wicked who have held on there, it is what will make their way slippery and slick; and it is My grace on this mountain for you that will even cause them to fall from their lofty positions.

Truth & Trust Are Required in Your Deepest Parts

the Spirit of the Living God of Truth and Faithfulness say, 
I desire to see truth and trust in Me in the deepest parts of you. Those parts that are farthest from sight and closest to the core of you are the places where I want the frequencies for truth and trust in Me, unwavering, unapologetic trust in Me to resound. These are the elements, the characteristics that are the signature of heirs of the King.

The Magnificent Movement

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Magnify My Name. Magnify My Name in all the Earth. This is the time for a magnificent movement. Grace is positioned at every pillar upholding truth. These pillars upholding truth and righteousness will be the teachers. They will see many organically gather near to hear the word of truth, to understand the word of truth.

Change Is Advancing & You Will Be Thrust Into Its Midst

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth, Righteousness & Justice say, 
You’re sitting on the razor’s edge of change. Change is marching steadily forward like troops arrayed for battle, and soon you will be thrust into their midst. Soon you will drop into the middle of change as it is marching forward in formation, and all you will see is change. Everywhere you look change will be marching forward, steadily, surely, undeterred.

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