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The Spirit of Gross Darkness in Obama & Kamala Is Being Exposed

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Discontentment. A discontented heart. The drumbeat of totals is coming. The drumbeat of totals is here. Indistinct patterns are emerging — patterns of life. You will be able to overlay lifestyle patterns. Patterns are emerging that show distinct, intentional overlap of the spirit behind the power, the authority, the person. Soon you will be able to identify the spirit of gross darkness behind Obama and Kamala.

The Lord’s Graciousness & Kindness Are Leading Many to Truth

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Graciousness, kindness and truth — that is how My heart is leading people. It’s with graciousness, kindness and truth. Not all are willing to start with the bitter taste of truth. It’s bitter to those who have been eating the sugar coating of deception. Truth needs to be gradual for some, so I Am leading many to truth by My grace, from My endless reservoir of kindness.

The Truth Will Be Told

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Truth be told. The truth will be told. The truth will resonate with the hearts of men, and they will side with truth. The lies that have been built, one on top the next, on top the next will crumble like a child’s construction set. It will be demolished with a light breeze or a strong breath. No man’s hand will even need to touch the lies for them to crumble into a heap.

The Day of Miraculous Love

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Miraculous love. The truth is spinning round and round and round like a top. When My Hand reaches down and stops the spinning, the truth will be sitting there in plain sight for all to see. The media has kept the truth spinning and has made it difficult to see plainly, to see clearly. The opponents of truth and the purveyors of lies have kept it spinning.

Personal Changes Are Inbound & A Massive Obstruction Will Come to the Election

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Changes are here and more are incoming. This is a season of rapid change coming at you. As a baseball catcher at practice, you will be expected to catch many changes being pitched at you in sequence. Unlike the catcher, you may not get much warning that they are incoming. So be on alert. Keep your eyes and your heart, your hands and your feet ready to catch the changes that are incoming.

The Lord Is Cutting Off the Head of Leviathan & Setting His People Free

The Spirit of the Living God of Israel says, 
I’m taking you back to Camelot. Ancient spirits are opposing truth, are opposing unity, are opposing freedom. But I will cut off the head of that snake, Leviathan. I oppose those who oppose My people, my plans, My purposes and My future for the world. This ancient spirit has clouded vision, has lied, twisted and deceived the hearts and minds of many.

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