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The Lord’s Presence Is Bringing Comfort & Victory

The Lord says, 
Like a freshly drying sheet on a clothesline being shaken out in the summer breeze, so is the comfort of My Presence hovering over you now. I see the heavy hearts. I see the downcast eyes and the tears of My beautiful ones. I feel the desire and the longing in their hearts for guidance, for partnership, for relief. I Am the Great Comforter. I impart wisdom and reveal truth, and I anoint with the balms of healing and gladness. All of these things I Am moving to do now. All of these I Am available now for those who reach out and ask.

Justice & Liberty For All

The Lord says, 
I Am moving on behalf of My people. I Am moving to rescue this nation and by extension, Israel and the world. The massive truth bomb is here. The moment you’ve been waiting for is here.

The world is about to see a whale of a truth come to light. The whale is breaching the surface. And soon the whole whale of truth will be seen. This whale will be captured on film for all to see, and it will be seen on screens large and small.

The Birth of a New Era

The Lord says, 
The lines of this song, O Holy Night, they describe the type of time and place we are again — where the world lays in sin and error pining. This is the condition of the world. My Presence is coming, is moving to restore, to reveal the inherent worth of My creation, My people. This is a mighty move of change. This is a move that restores the hearts and hopes of many. This is the move that heals minds and brings right thinking. 

The Lord Is Making Things Right

The Lord says, 
Worship — pure songs from the heart being offered up to Me — is a very beautiful and pure thing. It touches My heart, and it reveals your surrender, your recognition of Who I Am, what I’ve done, and who I created you to be.

Greater revelations of who I created you to be will come from times of worship. Your right identity, your right understanding of who you are, and who I designed you to be will be revealed incrementally as you worship.

It’s Time for War

The Lord says, 
Close your eyes and imagine the the Kenyan plains with wild animals grazing. They look so serene from far away, and then when you get close, they are massive and fierce, and deadly. This is a picture of the life I have called you to lead — to mind your own business, to guard your territory, and to viciously defend it against all trespassers and enemies, foreign and domestic. I have called you to be a fierce warrior.

Wildfires of Truth

The Lord says, 
Things are heating up. Some officials, some in leadership positions - from the bottom to the top are getting hot under the collar. They are starting to sweat. I Am raising the temperature on them. I Am raising their awareness of accountability as a real and imminent thing. I Am causing them to look to and fro, to be jumpy, and to look over their shoulders.

Freedom Is on the Lord’s Side

The Lord says, 
I’m drawing people. I’m waking them up to see the choices that they have. I’m waking them up to the spiritual and political reality around them. As I wake them up, as they have a revelation of the true choice before them, they are running to Me. They are running from death to life and finding salvation. They recognize the chains, the control, the lack of privacy and suffocating life that socialism offers, and they desire freedom. I Am the giver of breath, of life, of freedom. 

Truth Bombs, Uprooted Lies & The Power of Presence

The Lord says, 
Seeds of truth in hearts are blooming. And messages of truth, some important messages of truth are hitting the airwaves. My pleasure is in the truth. I Am truth. I (Jesus) Am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father but by Me. I Am the way to the Father and the way to life eternal. I Am the truth. And the truth pleases Me. Admission of truth, exposure of truth, reports of truth please Me. And they work to accomplish My ends.

The Crazy Train is Being Derailed

The Lord says, 
The train that that represents where this country is headed is about to break down. The people long for and desire the train to break down. They want to get off of this train of insanity - this crazy train. And they long for and desire to explore the wide open fields of My freedom. They have been boxed in and captured. Their thoughts have been manipulated and their will has been usurped, hidden and covered up. I Am causing this train of madness to break down, and I Am opening up the doors and letting My people return to freedom.

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