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Wildfires of Truth

The Lord says, 
Things are heating up. Some officials, some in leadership positions - from the bottom to the top are getting hot under the collar. They are starting to sweat. I Am raising the temperature on them. I Am raising their awareness of accountability as a real and imminent thing. I Am causing them to look to and fro, to be jumpy, and to look over their shoulders.

Freedom Is on the Lord’s Side

The Lord says, 
I’m drawing people. I’m waking them up to see the choices that they have. I’m waking them up to the spiritual and political reality around them. As I wake them up, as they have a revelation of the true choice before them, they are running to Me. They are running from death to life and finding salvation. They recognize the chains, the control, the lack of privacy and suffocating life that socialism offers, and they desire freedom. I Am the giver of breath, of life, of freedom. 

Truth Bombs, Uprooted Lies & The Power of Presence

The Lord says, 
Seeds of truth in hearts are blooming. And messages of truth, some important messages of truth are hitting the airwaves. My pleasure is in the truth. I Am truth. I (Jesus) Am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father but by Me. I Am the way to the Father and the way to life eternal. I Am the truth. And the truth pleases Me. Admission of truth, exposure of truth, reports of truth please Me. And they work to accomplish My ends.

The Crazy Train is Being Derailed

The Lord says, 
The train that that represents where this country is headed is about to break down. The people long for and desire the train to break down. They want to get off of this train of insanity - this crazy train. And they long for and desire to explore the wide open fields of My freedom. They have been boxed in and captured. Their thoughts have been manipulated and their will has been usurped, hidden and covered up. I Am causing this train of madness to break down, and I Am opening up the doors and letting My people return to freedom.

Change is Here

The Lord says, 
This is a season where I Am making the impossible happen, where I Am raising dead situations and dead dreams and dead desires, and I Am causing resurrections. I Am doing for the nation what many thought was impossible. I Am doing in your life - in your family, your health, your finances, in the deep desires of your heart - I Am moving in restoration and resurrection power. I Am shaking things up and bringing beauty from ashes. I Am bringing life where there was nothing.

Identification with Jesus and the Preaching of the Pure Gospel

The Lord says, 
I Am ratcheting up the desire of the faithful ones, of the believers — for Jesus, for identification with Jesus. I Am intensifying their desire to know Him, to walk with Him, to learn about Him, to dig into the Scriptures. I Am causing the flame in their hearts to grow and burn hotter and hotter for Jesus. They will be filled with an insatiable hunger to know Him more, to abide with Him, to dwell in His Presence and to walk in purity, as it pleases Him.

A Time of Joy and the Awakening Giant

The Lord says, 
Joy is on My heart. Where the enemy seeks to bring discouragement, destruction, disillusionment and defeat, I say no. I say, choose joy. I say receive the gift of joy that I freely give. Operate in a way that is opposite to the negative, and horrible and tragic things you see, opposite to the circumstances you find yourself in. Operate in joy and thanksgiving. These are the greatest signals to the enemy that he has been defeated.

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