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The Winning War Strategy

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who reigns over all Creation say, 
I Am your anchor in the storm. As the ship begins to rock and sway, as the seas become volatile and you become disoriented, these are your instructions: keep your eyes fixed on Me, so you do not get seasick in the storm; and trust that the anchor will hold.

You Are A Channel and Supply Line for the Lord’s Explosive Change

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m opening up new channels and supply lines. You are a supply line for change — the weaponization of change. I Am supplying to you and through you everything you need to be a destructive force of change. I Am supplying dynamite-like power, explosive power to you and through you that will destroy the works of the enemy, that will destroy the curses and incantations of the enemy, that will destroy the plots of the enemy and that will destroy the chains that the enemy is using to hold many captive.

Living in Victory Season Requires Us to Stay At War

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
This is a victorious season, and one in which we see many decisive triumphs. You will see and be part of many victories that appear to be taken by blunt force. You will see some victories that are won by workarounds, by routing and usurping the enemy. You will see some battles will be won by catapulting a massive, destructive stone into their camps, into their castle, into their fortification. This is a spiritual war that is playing out as ground warfare.

You Can Live In Perfect Peace as You War for Resurgence & Resurrection

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
You can be at total peace in the resurgence and resurrection. Those are warring realities. Resurgence requires war. Resurrection requires war. Both are your destiny. Even as you war, even as you push and the momentum of My Spirit wind is at your back, be at perfect peace. Even as you war and the earth rattles beneath you where the dry dead bones of dreams and promises lie on the ground, be at perfect peace.

Laugh at the Days Ahead, Run into Battle with the Soaring Heart of a Warrior-King

I heard the Spirit of the Living God who reigns say, 
Inbound truth has a resonance and a sound. Don’t fret about your ability to know the truth or find the truth. The inbound truth has a resonance and a sound that strikes a chord in your heart. The chords of your heart are tuned to righteousness, truth and love. When something other than these hits the strings of your heart, discord is the sound and the feeling produced.

Freedom Has Been Set Free

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Grace is rising. Hope is rising. The truth has been bound in chains, but today I Am breaking those chains. I Am demolishing those chains. Freedom has been unleashed from her prison, and the eagle will fly and soar again. I Am liberating the eagle, and she shall be free. She shall not return to the dungeon of her confinement, the prison that held her in darkness with no room to spread her wings. This is a beautiful day in America. This is liberation day.

Warring Will Bring the Victory — This Is Everyone’s War

I heard the Spirit of the Living, Warring God of Zion say, 
Justice is Mine. Celebration is yours. You will see many victories. You will collect the spoils of war. The battles will be heavy, dark and tumultuous, but you are protected and covered by My grace. The shield of your faith covers you, just as the span of My wing hides you. But this is a war season. There’s no two ways about it. You will war. Warring is your portion, because warring will bring the victory.

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