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Be Mighty Warriors of Praise

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Chase the enemy. Rout him from your land. Chase the enemy with your unceasing worship and praise. The enemy cannot succeed where worship is being raised, where voices are being lifted in worship to Me, the Most High God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Lord of All. Chase the enemy with a song.

The Earth Will Respond to Our Gratitude and Praise

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m coming on the wings of the dawn. I’m bringing the new day with Me. My grace is flying high over America. My grace is flying high over the world. My grace is carrying in a new day. The takeoff and acceleration of My grace will begin in Southern California, in Baja, California, and it will race northward and eastward until the continental U.S. is covered with My grace.

The Sound of Cymbals Will Release Justice in the Earth

This morning when I asked the Lord what was on His heart, He said justice, and it sounded like a cymbal when He said it. When I asked Him to help me understand, the Spirit of the Lord said,
An instrument of praise will be used to bring justice. He directed me to look cymbals up in the Bible. Interestingly almost every instance of the mention of cymbals was related to worship that involved David or was in the manner that David instructed.

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