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Worship With Abandon

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am the stability of your times. I Am the stability of all times. I Am the Ancient of Days. I Am your solid rock, your firm foundation, your tower of refuge and strength. I Am the unmoving, unchanging One. Back up from your problems. Take a step away from your worries, concerns and stresses. Just get a little removed from them, and begin to worship. Begin to be filled with the oil of My joy.

Allow Praise to Transform Your Life

The Lord says, 
Praise. My Name and My Person deserves praise. When you think of Me, your response should be praise. As you go through your day, you should recognize all that has come to you from My hand — all of the favor, the protection, the provision — and your response should be praise. Praise is imbedded in your very DNA. It is knit into the fabric of your heart and soul.

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