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Celebration is Nigh!

The Lord says, 
Worship and laughter are the best medicine. Rest. Relax. Take big deep belly breaths. Drop your shoulders. Unclench your teeth, soften your gaze and look up. Remember I Am above it all. I cause the road to rise up to meet you. Though nothing seems certain, though the storm and the waves are still tossing you, remain anchored in Me and look up.

Faith & Worship Are Mighty Weapons

The Lord says, 
Praise is a mighty weapon. Praise is a powerful defensive and offensive strategy. Praise causes the forces of darkness to flee. Praise moves you closer to My Presence, closer to My heart. Praise is a fearsome weapon. Use praise to defeat the swirling thoughts, the uncertainties that taunt you, the pressures that are trying to suffocate you.

Exalt the Lord, For He Is Here

The Lord says, 
Wait on Me. Wait on Me. Sing songs of praise over your troubles and difficulties. Make all of the things that feel overwhelming and seem bigger than you can handle - make all of these bow to Me. Do this by singing songs of worship as you look on at these troubles, these difficulties, these problems, these ailments, these sorrows.

It’s A New Day

The Lord says, 
This is the day that the Lord has made, choose to rejoice and be glad in it! From the overflow of joy in your heart, you shall bring forth praise and thanksgiving and honor to My Name. You will be so amazed, so filled with wonder and ecstatic joy, that praise, celebration and thanksgiving to the Lord Your God who rescued and redeemed you will be the only response.

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