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Today’s Reading:
Mark 11
Isaiah 1
Isaiah 4

“Jesus rode in the center of the procession, with crowds going before him and behind him. They all shouted in celebration, “Bring the victory! We welcome the one coming with blessings sent from the Lord Yahweh! Blessings rest on this kingdom he ushers in—the kingdom of our father David! Bring us the victory in the highest realms of heaven!””

Mark‬ ‭11:9-10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Lord says,
Just a day. Just a day of explosive narratives. Just a day of warfare of words. These days have become old hat. These days have become worn out. My grace is covering and flooding. My grace is pouring out truth as if cleansing a sticky tar-like oil spill in the fresh vibrant waters. My truth is healing the polluted waters. My truth is changing the frequency of the shrieking, polluted airwaves. My truth is permeating and cleansing the waters, the airwaves and the very land beneath your feet. The anointing of My truth is blowing in a healing breeze, is causing a healing flood, is pouring out a light and covering healing balm that does more than cover over — it changes the substance beneath. My anointing oil of truth is regenerative, restorative and no scabs from healing are made. This healing anointing oil, this lightweight balm is a beautiful substance that soothes, heals, and makes brand new.

26 “Then I will restore your judges as at the first,
And your counselors as at the beginning;
After that you will be called the city of righteousness,
A faithful city.” 27 Zion will be redeemed with justice
And her repentant ones with righteousness.

Isaiah 1:26-27

No longer will the people say, its just another day of explosive narrative warfare. No longer will they say, the cacophony of lies is more than I can take. Instead it will be like a symphonic healing comes in, riding on the wind and brings beautiful melodic sounds that soothe, that relax, that restore, that cause people’s shoulders to relax and bodies to rest, that cause anxieties to melt away. I Am sending this lightweight fresh anointing balm, this oil onto the breeze to heal the airwaves, to heal the atmosphere, to heal the waters and to seep in and heal the land.

2 In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel.3 It will come about that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy—everyone who is recorded for life in Jerusalem. 4 When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning, 5 then the Lord will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy.6 There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.

Isaiah 4:2-6

I will heal your land, your atmosphere, your reality. I will heal bodies, minds and souls. I will heal waters and winds. Today is the day. Today is not just a day of explosive narrative warfare. Today is the very day that I release healing on the winds to cover and heal the airwaves, to travel on frequencies of light and sound, to heal the waters, to heal damaged bodies at the cellular level, to heal property lines and end land battles, to heal the land itself. I Am releasing that healing anointing balm and oil out on the winds, out on My breeze today.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You for seeing us, for understanding our suffering, struggles and pain. Lord, send out that healing anointing balm of truth. Send it out and let it cover all that I see and touch, and all that I am. Rejuvenate me. Rejuvenate and refresh, restore the air that I breathe, the land and the waters Lord. Come. Heal us all. Refresh us all. Change us all to be in alignment with Your Kingdom.
  • Declare, the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness therein. He can change and restore and heal it all. He can make all things new.
  • Decree, the Lord’s healing anointing balm of truth is being sent out on His breeze today. It will heal the airwaves. It will heal the waters. It will heal the land. It will heal people’s bodies at the cellular level.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: These Are the Days of the Fish Jumping into the Boat

And in 2021: Freedom Is On The Lord’s Side


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