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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 84-85
Hebrews 10:19-25
Isaiah 60:17-22
Micah 7:7-20
Matthew 28:1-9

Now I’ll listen carefully for your voice and wait to hear whatever you say. Let me hear your promise of peace — the message every one of your godly lovers longs to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following you. For I know your power and presence shines on all your lovers. Your glory always hovers over all who bow low before you. Your mercy and truth have married each other. Your righteousness and peace have kissed.

Psalm 85:8-10

The Lord is Making a Comeback

Definition of comeback
1 : a sharp or witty reply : RETORT
2 : a return to a former position or condition (as of success or prosperity) : RECOVERY, REVIVAL

Definition of come back
intransitive verb
1 : to return to life or vitality
2 : to return to memory
4a : to regain a former favorable condition or position
b : to recover from a deficit in a contest or competition

The Lord says,
Let’s call it a comeback. I Am making a comeback, one that has been prophesied and longed for by My people. I Am making a comeback that has been seen in the hearts of My lovers. I Am making a comeback again, and it will blow people’s minds.
Whether you have seen it in the Spirit, prayed for and desired it greatly, or have been completely oblivious — My comeback will be a stunning one. You will be surprised by who comes back with Me and who gets displaced. The brilliant thing about a comeback is that it takes the enemy by surprise. It takes the opposition by surprise. I have never been weak, on the back foot or defeated, but I have allowed it to look like that, so that My comeback overwhelms, shocks and reveals what has been lurking in, advancing in, and occupying the land.

My comeback is going undetected by many. It is creeping up on them with increasing power and speed. And it will snap upon them like a trap of their own making. They will soon be caught by the comeback in the jaws of the traps of their own making. It will be Biblical. It will be vindicating. And the vengeance is Mine. Much justice will come, and you will get to see it carried out on the Earth. But the vengeance is Mine.

For those in Me, this is a Glorious and long-awaited, desperately desired comeback. It will be met with glee, celebration, awe, humility and wonder. It will be acknowledged as the work of My Hand. My comeback will be a response to the the cries of My people for justice, truth and righteousness to return. It will be a response to their prayers asking for the return of My favor and Presence to the scene. It will be honoring those who have walked in thanksgiving and humility during these incredible trials and difficulties. I Am your wraparound shield, and My banner over you is love. You will see that My Presence has come back. You will see that justice, truth and righteousness have a comeback. You will see that unity has a comeback. You will see that the Great Republic of America has a comeback. Let’s call it a comeback.

It is My will and My great pleasure to move on behalf of My lovers, on behalf of those who have stood, on behalf of those who don’t know me yet but are in dire circumstances. It is My good will and pleasure to do it. I do it with joy. It will be as if great a light of healing, of exposure, of truth floods in on My wings and with it flows peace. And it will settle and calm the hearts of many.

A Move of Peace

The Lord says,
My peace is unparalleled and cannot be fabricated or manufactured. It is distinct and recognizable. Those who haven’t experienced My peace before will recognize it for what it is. They will not mistake it for anything but the peace granted by the Lord God Almighty who reigns, and they will desire full-time access to My peace.
Be ready to show them the way. Be ready to make lots of introductions of these ones I touch. Introduce them to Jesus, and He will introduce them to Me. We are growing our family. It’s a beautiful thing and an exhilarating time.

My peace will flow like a strong river, and many will run to wade in it. Many will seek it’s source. I have called you and appointed you to guide them, lead them by the hand and share the incomparably good news of Jesus. Just His name makes hearts burst with joy. There is none like Him. My faithful Son. Your one and only Savior. The Prince of Peace. Emmanuel. God with us.

I Am kissing My lovers with a kiss of supernatural peace. This peace seems to cause everything to slow down. It causes hearts to light with joy and life. It is a kiss of My peace and favor bringing light to your eyes.

I desire to soothe My people and give them respite from the chaos, the tumult and the rancor. Come, sit with Me. Dwell in My peace, favor and light. And get ready to see My comeback.

How to Respond

  • Stir up joy in your heart. Rejoice. Thank the Lord for His faithfulness.
  • Declare that the Lord is indeed making a come back and returning America and society to a place that aligns with His values of truth, righteousness, justice and love.
  • Declare today the day of the Lord’s favor and peace.
  • Ask the Lord how you can get into the stream of His peace.
  • Play and sing songs today that reflect the excitement of a comeback victory.


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