Today’s Readings:
Psalm 117-118
Isaiah 61
61 The mighty Spirit of Lord Yahweh is wrapped around me
Isaiah 61:1-3
because Yahweh has anointed me,
as a messenger to preach good news to the poor.
He sent me to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted,
to tell captives, “You are free,”
and to tell prisoners, “Be free from your darkness.”
2 I am sent to announce a new season of Yahweh’s grace
and a time of God’s recompense on his enemies,
to comfort all who are in sorrow,
3 to strengthen those crushed by despair who mourn in Zion—
to give them a beautiful bouquet in the place of ashes,
the oil of bliss instead of tears,
and the mantle of joyous praise
instead of the spirit of heaviness.
Because of this, they will be known as
Mighty Oaks of Righteousness,
planted by Yahweh as a living display of his glory.
The Lord Is Seeking to Bless His Lovers
The Lord says,
I’m seeking My seekers. I’m seeking My laid down lovers. I’m seeking those whose heart’s cry is to dwell with Me, know Me intimately and to please Me with a poured out life of love. These are the ones I Am seeking.
I Am seeking them to anoint them with the oil of My great favor — it’s made from the oils of joy, of blessing, of wisdom and divine timing. These are the ingredients in the oil of My favor. It’s a beautiful blend of these.
The fragrance of this oil of My favor attracts many blessings to you. It attracts opportunities to you. It attracts good and right decisions to your doorstep. It attracts people of all kinds and abilities to you. The oil of My favor has a scent that draws with the power of Heaven. It draws the blessing and resources and opportunities of Heaven to you.
Like attracts like. Look for those who are also being anointed with the oil of My favor in this time. There will be great synergies and great multiplicative power in the lives and decisions of those who represent a double portion of My favor by their connection, union and agreement.
The power of agreement under the anointing of My favor is explosive and a force to be reckoned with in the Earth. Watch as I perform many wild and unimaginable blessings and give graces untold to those who are united and individually anointed by the oil of My favor.
An anointing of My favor on homes and households also is here and available. My grace is being poured out on entire family units —including the wanderers represented. It will be a bit disorienting for the wanderers who are feeling the drops of the oil of My favor come into their lives. They are accustomed to strife and striving. Watch as the oil of My favor makes life easier, softens their hearts, and opens their hearts and lives. This is what it means that My goodness will lead them to repentance. Watch as the oil of My favor draws many wanderers home.
9 Their seed will be famous among the nations,
Isaiah 61:9-10
and their descendants the center of attention of the people.
All who see them will recognize
that they are the seed that Yahweh has blessed with favor!”
10 I will sing and greatly rejoice in Yahweh!
My whole being vibrates
with shouts of joy in my God!
For he has dressed me with salvation
and wrapped me in the robe of his righteousness!
I appear like a bridegroom on his wedding day,
decked out with a beautiful sash,
or like a radiant bride adorned with sparkling jewels.
Fear not. Do not accept the spirit of fear that is trying to feed you daily with bad reports, lies and misinformation. Say no to fear. Give fear no room. Allow My joy, My Presence, My pleasure to so fill your heart and life and perspective that fear has no place.
When fear presents itself, speak to it directly and command it to leave. This is no place for fear. You are to live above fear, not in submission to it. Fear is a spirit that belongs to its father the devil. You are to live above, in commanding authority over fear, not beneath it. Don’t let fear have entry into your heart, mind or home. Shut your windows and doors tightly to all fear.
14 Lord, you are my true strength and my glory-song,
Psalm 118:14-15
my champion, my Savior!
15 The joyful songs I now sing will be sung again
in the hearts and homes of all your devoted lovers.
My loud shouts of victory will echo throughout the land.
For Yahweh’s right hand conquers valiantly!
Prepare for a Great Reversal and Wild Celebrations
The Lord says,
I Am laying train tracks from the West to the East. These are for trains that are filled to the brim with party supplies. These trains are carrying the equipment for great celebrations. The West will show the East how to celebrate, and the West will send heavy trains loaded down with cargo loads full of materials for celebration. The West will show the East how to celebrate, and the West will supply the East with the tools for celebration.
The celebration that I Am causing, that My move is initiating and making possible, will start in the West and it will rapidly move to the East.
Get your dancing shoes ready. Wash off your face of distress and worry. You will soon be getting dressed for massive unending celebrations. It does not seem like it. It does not look like it. It does not feel like it. But I’m telling you I will flip this thing and the celebrations will be wild and will spread like wildfire.
Look to the West. That is the the place where the fire will ignite. The fire of celebration will come from the fire of My truth. Watch the West.
Get your hopes up. Prepare your party clothes and your dancing shoes. Days of celebration are at hand. They are so close. They won’t be much longer now. I have the timer set, and the moment of My truth striking — causing a massive flip and an overturning — and igniting the wildfires of celebration is very close.
23 The Lord himself is the one who has done this,
Psalm 118:23-25
and it’s so amazing, so marvelous to see!
24 This is the very day of the Lord that brings
gladness and joy, filling our hearts with glee.
25 O God, please come and save us again;
bring us your breakthrough-victory!
Rest in the knowledge of this. Rest with the assurance that I will perform My Word, and My Great Reversal is near. It will not be deterred. It will be definitive.
How to Respond
- Purify yourself before the Lord. Seek His heart, His ways and His pleasure above all else.
- Ask the Lord to anoint you with the oil of His favor.
- Ask the Lord to draw others who He has anointed with His favor into your life.
- Declare that the Lord is anointing your household with His favor, and it will draw the wanderers home to Him.
- Live from the overflow of the joy of the Lord — full of thanksgiving and praise.
- Reject fear. Speak to fear when it presents itself and tell it that it is not welcome. Tell fear that it’s message is rejected, and it must leave in the Name of Jesus.
- Declare that the Lord is moving and has set the time for a Great Reversal and mighty flip, that will cause wild celebrations to break out across the nation and the world.
- Declare that the Lord’s truth will strike, and justice and righteousness will be re-established in the land.
- Prepare yourself and your household to celebrate. You might want to practice dancing.
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