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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 43
Isaiah 40
Philippians 2:1-16

3 Pour into me the brightness of your daybreak!
Pour into me your rays of revelation-truth!
Let them comfort and gently lead me onto the shining path,
showing the way into your burning presence,
into your many sanctuaries of holiness.

Psalm 43:3

The Lord is with You

The Lord says,
I can see that your heart is hurting, tender and aching. I can see that your face is wet with tears. I can see that you can’t make out the road ahead and that it all feels so daunting, so bleak, so dark.

I Am hurting with you. I am sharing in your pain, your loss, your frustration at the darkness. I Am sharing this burden and these feelings with you. You are not alone. Remember, that I Am the lamp unto your feet and the light unto your path. Look to Me. I Am Light. I Am Truth. I Am trustworthy, and I never fail.

Look to Me. Take My hand. I will light the path, though its seems very dark and uncertain. Take one step and then the next. This is not a season where you can have it all figured out. This is a season of casting your bread upon the waters. This is a season of making big plans in uncertainty. This is a season where the anchor you hold onto is tested. If I Am your anchor, then you have a trustworthy, faithful, steadfast anchor. And though the world topples, spins and shakes, as long as you cling to Me, My truth, My Word, My character; as long as you gaze upon Me, you will not not fall.

Don’t look in right now, look out. Reach out. This is a time where deep community is important. This is a time where going it alone is not a success strategy. Reach out. Bring people in. Do life together. Walk through the destruction, the chaos and the mess together. This is how the bonds of war are forged. The enemy throws so much at you, yet you can come out on the other side with deep, abiding relationships, friendships and faith that has been forged in the fires of adversity.

Join hands and lessen each other’s loads. Laugh, find humor in the mess. This is a time to live light. Don’t let the seriousness of the situation and the heartbreaking things around you drag you down into despair. You are of no use there. Live higher. Come up here. Choose to see the light, the silver lining. Find joy. Find humor. Laughter is the best medicine. We will trudge through this muck together. Be the light, the encouragement, the bright rays of sunshine that those around you need. Point them to Me, and help to pull them up from their despair. Point up. Look up. Come up.

28 Don’t you know? Haven’t you been listening?
Yahweh is the one and only everlasting God,
the Creator of all you can see and imagine!
He never gets weary or worn out.
His intelligence is unlimited;
he is never puzzled over what to do!
29 He empowers the feeble
and infuses the powerless with increasing strength.
30 Even young people faint and get exhausted;
athletic ones may stumble and fall.
31 But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace
will experience divine strength.
They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles,
run their race without growing weary,
and walk through life without giving up.

Isaiah 40:28-31

These are the days of the on-ramp to your destiny. These are the days of the crucible, the days of the birthing, the days before the storyline changes, before the flip, before the great shift. Push on. Push through. The story will change. The road ahead will be brighter. The best is yet to come.

Don’t waste the these pressure cooker days. Learn what you need to learn. Build and deepen your relationships. Steep yourself in My Word and spend dedicated time in My Presence. This is all for something. I can use it all. So don’t waste the time in stress or distress. Let me use it. Put it to good use in your character, in your relationships. One step and then the next.

Coals of Fire

The Lord says,
I Am driving a train from the West to the East. It is racing at top speed and it it’s carrying tons and tons and tons of coal. The coals will light the fires where My Presence resides. The coals will light fresh fires in many hearts.

I Am using the coals to turn many into firebrands for Me, for My Name, for the Name of Jesus, for My ways, and for what is right. I Am delivering many many tons of coal, and I will stoke the fire in many hearts to become firebrands and worshippers, mighty fearless warriors for Me. I Am unleashing My fire in the hearts of many, and the forces of darkness will not prevail against them!

The coals of fire represent the fire of My Spirit in many individuals, but as they act in unity, these fiery ones will appear together as a great uncontained wildfire to the enemy. They will rise in unity, and the fire will push back and consume the darkness. The fiery ones, the wildfire will not tolerate the darkness. They will — through My power, through My Spirit — extinguish the darkness and set the world on fire for Me. This scene is about to change dramatically.

How to Respond

  • Trust. Seek wise counsel. Bring people into your mess.
  • Use the refining fire of this adversity to deepen your faith, build your character. Allow it to draw you up higher.
  • Choose to find humor, and choose to look for silver linings.
  • Don’t allow yourself to fall into a pit of despair. Come up higher and be used of the Lord to bring light and life and encouragement to the world around you.
  • Spend time with the Lord. Spend time meditating on His Word and His ways.
  • Ask the Lord to deposit the coals into your heart and to pour His fire onto it, that you may be a fiery, fearless warrior-lover of faith.


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